dataset02: Van Dyke ROC dataset

dataset02R Documentation

Van Dyke ROC dataset


This is referred to in the book as the "VD" dataset. It consists of 114 cases, 45 of which are diseased, interpreted in two treatments ("0" = single spin echo MRI, "1" = cine-MRI) by five radiologists using the ROC paradigm. Each diseased cases had an aortic dissection; the ROC paradigm generates one rating per case. Often referred to in the ROC literature as the Van Dyke dataset, which, along with the Franken dataset, has been widely used to illustrate advances in ROC methodology. The example below displays the ROC plot for the first modality and first reader.




A list with 3 elements: $ratings, $lesions and $descriptions; $ratings contain 3 elements, $NL, $LL and $LL_IL as sub-lists; $lesions contain 3 elements, $perCase, $IDs and $weights as sub-lists; $descriptions contain 7 elements, $fileName, $type, $name, $truthTableStr, $design, $modalityID and $readerID as sub-lists;

  • rating$NL, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:114, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs

  • rating$LL, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:45, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs

  • rating$LL_ILNA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data

  • lesions$perCase, int [1:45], number of lesions per diseased case

  • lesions$IDs, num [1:45, 1], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases

  • lesions$weights, num [1:45, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions

  • descriptions$fileName, chr, "dataset02", base name of dataset in 'data' folder

  • descriptions$type, chr "ROC", the data type

  • descriptions$name, chr "VAN-DYKE", the name of the dataset

  • descriptions$truthTableStr, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:114, 1:2] 1 1 1 1 ..., truth table structure

  • descriptions$design, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset

  • descriptions$modalityID, chr [1:2] "0" "1", modality labels

  • descriptions$readerID, chr [1:5] "0" "1" "2" ..., reader labels


Van Dyke CW, et al. Cine MRI in the diagnosis of thoracic aortic dissection. 79th RSNA Meetings. 1993.


res <- str(dataset02)
## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset02, opChType = "ROC")$Plot

dpc10ster/rjafroc documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 4:37 a.m.