
Defines functions dsp

dsp <- function(dsp_data,
                n_samp     = 10000L,
                nBurn      = 5000L,
                nThin      = 1L,
                hypGam     = NULL,
                tuningGam  = NULL,
                hypPhi     = NULL,
                tuningPhi  = 0.3,
                trackProg  = "percent",
                progQuants = seq(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)) {

    # stub functions for gamma and phi specs
    gamma_hyper_list <- get_gamma_specs(dsp_data)
    phi_specs <- get_phi_specs()

    # TODO: need to insert a way to add priors for UGen

    # start timer
    start_time <- proc.time()

    out <- dsp_(u_rcpp            = dsp_data$U,
                x_rcpp            = dsp_data$intercourse$X,
                w_day_blocks      = dsp_data$w_day_blocks,
                w_to_days_idx     = dsp_data$w_to_days_idx,
                w_cyc_to_subj_idx = dsp_data$w_cyc_to_subj_idx,
                subj_day_blocks   = dsp_data$subj_day_blocks,
                day_to_subj_idx   = dsp_data$day_to_subj_idx,
                gamma_specs       = gamma_hyper_list,
                phi_specs         = phi_specs,
                # x_miss_cyc        = dsp_data$intercourse$miss_cyc,
                x_miss            = dsp_data$x_miss,
                # x_miss_day        = dsp_data$intercourse$miss_day,
                sex_miss_to_w     = dsp_data$sex_miss_to_w,
                utau_rcpp         = dsp_data$utau,
                tau_coefs         = dsp_data$tau_fit,
                u_miss_info       = dsp_data$u_miss_info,
                u_miss_type       = dsp_data$u_miss_type,
                u_preg_map        = dsp_data$cov_miss_w_idx,
                u_sex_map         = dsp_data$cov_miss_x_idx,
                fw_len            = 5L,
                n_burn            = 0L,
                n_samp            = n_samp)

    # end timer
    run_time <- proc.time() - start_time

    # transpose data
    coefs_trans <- matrix(out$coefs,
                        nrow = n_samp,
                        ncol = ncol(dsp_data$U),
                        byrow = TRUE,
                        dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(dsp_data$U)))
    xi_trans <- matrix(out$xi,
                     nrow = n_samp,
                     byrow = TRUE)

    list(coefs    = coefs_trans,
         xi       = xi_trans,
         phi      = out$phi,
         ugen     = out$ugen,
         run_time = run_time)
dpritchLibre/dspBayes documentation built on Aug. 3, 2020, 9:52 a.m.