transfer-package: Estimating frequency-domain transfer functions

Description Details Author(s) References


Estimating frequency-domain transfer functions.


Frequency-domain transfer functions are linear regressions of a Fourier-transformed response time series onto a set of Fourier-transformed input time series. The regression is estimated at a set of frequencies. To obtain additional samples, the input and response series are tapered using multiple orthogonal tapers (discrete prolate spheroidal sequences), and/or estimated across time-blocks. The function tf is the main function.


David Riegert

Maintainer: David Riegert <>


Chave, A. D., and Jones, A. G. 2012 The magnetotelluric method: Theory and practice. Cambridge University Press.

Thomson, D.J. 1982 Spectrum estimation and harmonic analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE, 70:1055–1096.

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