
nearPD <-
function (M, eig.tol = 1e-06, conv.tol = 1e-07, posd.tol = 1e-08, maxits = 100) {
    # based on function nearcor() submitted to R-help by Jens Oehlschlagel on 2007-07-13, and
    # function posdefify() from package `sfsmisc'
    if (!(is.numeric(M) && is.matrix(M) && identical(M, t(M))))
        stop("Input matrix M must be square and symmetric.\n")
    inorm <- function (x) max(rowSums(abs(x)))
    n <- ncol(M)
    U <- matrix(0, n, n)
    X <- M
    iter <- 0
    converged <- FALSE
    while (iter < maxits && !converged) {
        Y <- X
        T <- Y - U
        e <- eigen(Y, symmetric = TRUE)
        Q <- e$vectors
        d <- e$values
        D <- if (length(d) > 1) diag(d) else as.matrix(d)
        p <- (d > eig.tol * d[1])
        QQ <- Q[, p, drop = FALSE]
        X <- QQ %*% D[p, p, drop = FALSE] %*% t(QQ)
        U <- X - T
        X <- (X + t(X)) / 2
        conv <- inorm(Y - X) / inorm(Y)
        iter <- iter + 1
        converged <- conv <= conv.tol
    X <- (X + t(X)) / 2
    e <- eigen(X, symmetric = TRUE)
    d <- e$values
    Eps <- posd.tol * abs(d[1])
    if (d[n] < Eps) {
        d[d < Eps] <- Eps
        Q <- e$vectors
        o.diag <- diag(X)
        X <- Q %*% (d * t(Q))
        D <- sqrt(pmax(Eps, o.diag) / diag(X))
        X[] <- D * X * rep(D, each = n)
    (X + t(X)) / 2
drizopoulos/JM documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:46 a.m.