
Defines functions xovshrs xovdprs xovsprs xovsh xovdp xovsp xovmp

Documented in xovdp xovdprs xovmp xovsh xovshrs xovsp xovsprs

#' @title Crossover operators for binary representation
#' @description
#' Taking a matrix OldChrom containing the binary
#' representation of the individuals in the current population,
#' applying crossover to consecutive pairs of individuals with
#' defined probability and returns the resulting population.
#' @aliases xovmp xovsp xovdp xovsh xovsprs xovdprs xovshrs
#' @usage
#' xovmp(OldChrom, Px = 0.7, Npt = 0, Rs = FALSE)
#' @param OldChrom  a matrix containing the chromosomes of the old
#' population. Each row corresponds to one individual.
#' @param Px a number indicating the probability of recombination 
#' ocurring between pairs of individuals. If omitted, 0.7 is set.
#' @param Npt an optinal number indicating the number of crossover points to use.
#' Specifically, 1 indicates single point recombination; 2 indicates 
#' double point recombination; and 0 indicates shuffle point recombination.
#' Default is set to 0.
#' @param Rs  an optional logical value indicating whether or not to 
#' force the production of offspring different from their parents.
#' Default is set to FALSE.
#' @return
#' a matrix containing the offspring after mating, 
#' ready to be mutated and/or evaluated, in the same 
#' format as OldChrom.
#' @export
#' @author 
#' The original matlab implementation was written by Carlos Fonseca and
#' updated by Andrew Chipperfield.
#' The R implementation was written by David Zhao. 
#' @details
#' \code{xovmp} is the general crossover function for binary representation and 
#' can be called by all other crossover functions. When \code{xovmp} called by 
#' \code{\link{recombin}}, high-level crossover function, its arguments can also
#' be passed on to. With different combination of argumetents, it can be used identically
#' to \code{xovsp}, \code{xovdp}, \code{xovsh}, \code{xovsprs}, \code{xovdprs} and 
#' \code{xovshrs}. Althogh these replicatical use, other form of crossover funcions
#' are maintained for completence reason.
#' \cr\cr
#' \code{xovsp} performs single-point crossover between pairs of individuals. When called by
#' \code{\link{recombin}}, \code{recombin("xovsp",Chrom)} is identical to 
#' \code{recombin("xovmp",Chrom,Npt=1)}.
#' \cr\cr
#' \code{xovdp} performs double-point crossover between pairs of individuals. When called by
#' \code{\link{recombin}}, \code{recombin("xovdp",Chrom)} is identical to 
#' \code{recombin("xovmp",Chrom,Npt=2)}.
#' \cr\cr
#' \code{xovsh} performs shuffle-point crossover between pairs of individuals. When called by
#' \code{\link{recombin}}, \code{recombin("xovsh",Chrom)} is identical to 
#' \code{recombin("xovmp",Chrom)}.
#' \cr\cr
#' \code{xovsprs} performs single-point reduced surrogate crossover between 
#' pairs of individuals. When called by \code{\link{recombin}}, 
#' \code{recombin("xovsprs",Chrom)} is identical to 
#' \code{recombin("xovmp",Chrom,Npt=1,Rs=TRUE)}.
#' \cr\cr
#' \code{xovdprs} performs double-point reduced surrogate crossover between 
#' pairs of individuals. When called by \code{\link{recombin}}, 
#' \code{recombin("xovdprs",Chrom)} is identical to 
#' \code{recombin("xovmp",Chrom,Npt=2,Rs=TRUE)}.
#' \cr\cr
#' \code{xovshrs} performs shuffle-point reduced surrogate crossover between 
#' pairs of individuals. When called by \code{\link{recombin}}, 
#' \code{recombin("xovshrs",Chrom)} is identical to 
#' \code{recombin("xovmp",Chrom,Rs=TRUE)}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{recombin}}
#' @examples
#' Chrom = crtbp(40,10)$Chrom
#' Selch = xovmp(OldChrom=Chrom)

xovmp <- function(OldChrom,
  ## Identify the population size (Nind) and the chromosome length (Lind)
  Nind <- NROW(OldChrom); Lind <- NCOL(OldChrom)
  if(Lind < 2) return(OldChrom)
  Xops <- floor(Nind/2)
  DoCross <- runif(Xops) < Px
  odd <- (1:(Nind-1))[as.logical(1:(Nind-1) %% 2)]
  even <- (1:Nind)[!as.logical(1:Nind %% 2)]
  ## Compute the effective length of each chromosome pair
  Mask <- outer(OldChrom[odd,] != OldChrom[even,],!Rs,"|")
  if(Xops==1) Mask <- t(Mask)
  Mask <- t(apply(Mask,1,cumsum))
  ## Compute cross sites for each pair of individuals, according to their
  ## effective length and Px (two equal cross sites mean no crossover)
  xsites <- Mask[,Lind]
  if(Npt >= 2) xsites <- ceiling(xsites * runif(Xops))
  xsites2 <- (xsites + ceiling((Mask[,Lind]-1) * runif(Xops)) * (DoCross-1)) %% Mask[,Lind] + 1
  ## Express cross sites in terms of a bull mask
  Mask <- (matrix(rep(xsites,Lind),Xops,Lind) < Mask) == 
          (matrix(rep(xsites2,Lind),Xops,Lind) < Mask)
  Mask[is.na(Mask)] <- TRUE  #in case that all elements of individuals in one pair exactly equal
  ##shuffle individuals
    shuff <- matrix(runif(Lind*Xops),Xops,Lind)
    shuff <- t(apply(shuff,1,order))
    unshuff <- t(apply(shuff,1,order))
    OldChrom[odd,] <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:Xops,function(i) OldChrom[odd[i],shuff[i,]]))
    OldChrom[even,] <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:Xops,function(i) OldChrom[even[i],shuff[i,]]))
  ## Perform crossover
  NewChrom <- matrix(NA,Nind,Lind)
  NewChrom[odd,] <- (OldChrom[odd,] * Mask) + (OldChrom[even,] * !Mask)
  NewChrom[even,] <- (OldChrom[odd,] * !Mask) + (OldChrom[even,] * Mask)
  ## If the number of individuals is odd, the last individual cannot be mated
  ## but must be included in the new population
  if(Nind %% 2){
    NewChrom[Nind,] <- OldChrom[Nind,]
    NewChrom[odd,] <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:Xops,function(i) NewChrom[odd[i],unshuff[i,]]))
    NewChrom[even,] <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:Xops,function(i) NewChrom[even[i],unshuff[i,]]))

#' @rdname xovmp
#' @export
xovsp <- function(OldChrom,
  ## call low level function with appropriate parameters
  NewChrom <- xovmp(OldChrom,Px,1,FALSE)

#' @rdname xovmp
#' @export
xovdp <- function(OldChrom,
  ## call low level function with appropriate parameters
  NewChrom <- xovmp(OldChrom,Px,2,FALSE)

#' @rdname xovmp
#' @export
xovsh <- function(OldChrom,
  ## call low level function with appropriate parameters
  NewChrom <- xovmp(OldChrom,Px,0,FALSE)

#' @rdname xovmp
#' @export
xovsprs <- function(OldChrom,
  ## call low level function with appropriate parameters
  NewChrom <- xovmp(OldChrom,Px,1,TRUE)

#' @rdname xovmp
#' @export
xovdprs <- function(OldChrom,
  ## call low level function with appropriate parameters
  NewChrom <- xovmp(OldChrom,Px,2,TRUE)

#' @rdname xovmp
#' @export
xovshrs <- function(OldChrom,
  ## call low level function with appropriate parameters
  NewChrom <- xovmp(OldChrom,Px,0,TRUE)
drizztxx/gatbxr documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 2:26 a.m.