Man pages for drmjc/excelIO
Fast import and export of Microsoft Excel files

excelIO-packageFast import and export of Microsoft Excel files
is.csv.fileis the file a comma separated text file?
is.excel.fileis the file a Microsoft Excel XLS or XLSX file?
is.tsv.fileis the file a tab separated text file?
read.xlsRead a Microsoft Excel XLS file into a data frame
write.delimWrite a matrix-like object as a tab-delimited txt file.
writeLines.xlsWrite a vector out to an xls file.
writeLines.xlsxWrite a vector out to an xlsx file.
write.xlsWrite to Microsoft Excel XLS file
write.xlsxWrite to Microsoft Excel XLSX file
drmjc/excelIO documentation built on Aug. 3, 2019, 5:16 p.m.