drmjc/mjcbase: General helper functions for dealing with \R objects/data types

Various utilities designed to extend base functionality of \R, since 2004, including: - venn comparisons from 2, or 3 vectors: print.venn, write.venn - data import: read.table.fast, read.table.wide, readLine - data export: write.delim, write.delim.list, writeLines.list, - data summaries: percentile, quartile, - set operations: unionN, intersectN, unduplicate, interleave - clipboard interaction: pbpaste, pbcopy - converting lists, vectors and tables of n:n mappings, - file system interaction: dir.remove, dir.size, file.gzip, file.issymlink, file.move, file.numlines, - and many, many more. Some of this functionality will have been replaced over the years by the tidyverse, but still useful.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorMark Cowley <m.cowley@garvan.org.au>
MaintainerMark Cowley <m.cowley@garvan.org.au>
URL http://garvan.org.au/research/cancer/genome-informatics/marcow
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
drmjc/mjcbase documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:27 p.m.