#'Von Bertalanffy parameter estimates from the literature.
#'A list of parameter estimates for the traditional von Bertalanffy growth
#'model from published results in the literature.
#'Several species have \code{NA} for the \code{t0} parameter.
#'@name VBGMlit
#'@docType data
#'@format A data frame with 87 observations on the following 4 variables:
#' \item{Species}{Species names.}
#' \item{Linf}{Values of the Linf parameter.}
#' \item{K}{Values of the K parameter.} 
#' \item{t0}{Values of the t0 parameter.} 
#'@section Topic(s): \itemize{
#' \item Growth 
#' \item von Bertalanffy
#'@concept Growth 'von Bertalanffy'
#'@source Most of the data presented comes from -- He, Ji X.  and D.J. Stewart.
#'2001.  Age and size at first reproduction of fishes: predictive models based
#'only on growth trajectories. Ecology, 82:784-792.
#'@keywords datasets
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