Man pages for drvalle1/EcoCluster
Bayesian Clustering using Truncated Stick-Breaking priors

convertSBtoNormalConvert the vector v into the vector theta/phi using the...
get.loglCalculate the log-likelihood
getqlSummarize data for SBM according to the different location...
gibbs.SAMMain function of the Species Archetype Model (SAM)
mixture.gibbsRuns the Gibbs sampler and returns samples from the posterior...
ncsThis function calculates ncs1 and ncs0
sample.alphaSample alpha
sample.betasSample betas
sample.csSample cs
sample.gammaSample the TSB prior parameter
sample.gamma.samSample gamma
sample.gamma.uSample gamma.u
sample.gamma.vSample gamma.v
sample.omegaSample omega
sample.phiSample phi and uk parameters
sample.psiSample psi parameters
sample.thetaSample theta and vk parameters
sample.theta.samSample theta
sample.wSample w
sample.zSample z
SBMMain function of the Stochastic Block Model (SBM)
tnormSample from a truncated normal distribution
update.thetaSamples theta and v parameters
update.zSamples z
drvalle1/EcoCluster documentation built on Jan. 25, 2022, 12:46 a.m.