getWeatherData: Get Historical Weather Data

Usage Arguments


getWeatherData(address, timeseries_start_date = NULL, timeseries_end_date = NULL, weather_data = c("temperature", "humidity", "sunshine", "wind", "precipitation"),
proxy_url, proxy_port, proxy_password = NULL, proxy_username, verbose = FALSE)



Character value or vector of character strings (for query of multiple locations) containing the address of the location for which the data should be retreived in the format "street name, street number, ZIP code, city, country"


Optional start date for the weather data time series in the format "


timeseries_end_dateOptional end date for the weather data time series in the format "


weather_dataOptional vector of character values controlling which data elements are required (impacts the choice of weather station); one of c("temperature", "humidity", "sunshine", "wind", "precipitation")


proxy_urlOptional character argument for the proxy URL


proxy_portOptional numeric argument for the proxy port


proxy_passwordOptional character argument for the password (if not supplied, no proxy settings are set)


proxy_usernameOptional character argument containing the username


verboseOptional parameter triggeringa console notification of the current query (if set to TRUE) Returns a list object containing data frames with historical weather data for each provided location Function retreiving historical weather data based on a provided address from the server of the 'Deutscher Wetterdienst' retrieve_dwd_stations, retrieve_dwd_data

dsmirnov88/GermanWeatherData documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:22 p.m.