Man pages for dtkaplan/StatsUsingTechnologyData
Data sets from Kathryn Kozak's textbook

Australian_financialEconomic and financial data from Australia
Class_surveySurvey of students in a statistics class
CPI_USUS Consumer Price Index over the years
DefectsDefects in eyeglass manufacturing
EyeglassesProcesses used in eyeglass manufacturing
FertilityLife expectancy and fertility rates in countries
Fertility_prenatalHealth expenditures, prenatal care, and fertility rates
FirearmDeaths from firearms
helloHello, World!
HouseCapital and rental values of Auckland, New Zealand...
InsuranceCosts for health insurance
MetacarpalEstimates of living stature from skeletal remains
TuitionCosts at 4-year colleges
WagesWeekly earnings of workers
dtkaplan/StatsUsingTechnologyData documentation built on July 23, 2020, 12:34 a.m.