Man pages for duncantl/CodeDepends
Analysis of R Code for Reproducible Research and Code Comprehension

findWhenUnneededDetermine the code block after which a variable can be...
getDependsThreadCompute which code blocks in a script are inputs to define a...
getDetailedTimelinesCompute and plot life cycle of variables in code
getDocFragsRead the code blocks/chunks from a document
getExpressionThreadFind the sequence of expressions needed to get to a certain...
getInputsGet input and output variables and literals from R...
getPropogateChangesDetermine which expressions to update when a variable changes
getVariableDependsDetermine dependencies for code blocks
getVariablesGet the names of the variables used in code
guessTaskTypeGuess the type of high-level task of a code block
handlersSpecifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and...
highlightCodeDisplay R code with highlighting of variables, links to...
historyAsScriptConvert R interactive history to a Script object
inputCollectorCreate customized input/output collector for use in getInputs
makeCallGraphCreate a graph representing which functions call other...
makeGraphCreate a graph describing the relationships between variables...
makeTaskGraphCreate a graph connecting the tasks within a script
Script-classThe Script class and elements
separateExpressionBlocksConvert a script into individual top-level calls
sourceVariableEvaluate code in document in order to define the specified...
splitRedefinitionsDivide a script into separate lists of code based on...
toSectionEvaluate the code blocks up to a particular section of a...
updatingScriptCreate a Script object that re-reads the original file as...
duncantl/CodeDepends documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 9:16 p.m.