Man pages for duncantl/RCUDA
R Bindings for the CUDA Library for GPU Computing

convertToPtrConvert an R object to a pointer for use with CUDA
copyFromDeviceCopy data betwen R and GPU
createContextCreate or query current context
cuArray3DCreateCreates a 3D CUDA array
cuArray3DGetDescriptorGet a 3D CUDA array descriptor
cuArrayCreateCreates a 1D or 2D CUDA array
cuArrayDestroyDestroys a CUDA array
cuArrayGetDescriptorGet a 1D or 2D CUDA array descriptor
cuCtxCreateCreate a CUDA context
cuCtxDestroyDestroy a CUDA context
cuCtxDisablePeerAccessDisables direct access to memory allocations in a peer...
cuCtxEnablePeerAccessEnables direct access to memory allocations in a peer...
cuCtxGetApiVersionGets the context's API version.
cuCtxGetCacheConfigReturns the preferred cache configuration for the current...
cuCtxGetCurrentReturns the CUDA context bound to the calling CPU thread.
cuCtxGetDeviceReturns the device ID for the current context
cuCtxGetLimitReturns resource limits
cuCtxGetSharedMemConfigReturns the current shared memory configuration for the...
cuCtxPopCurrentPops the current CUDA context from the current CPU thread.
cuCtxPushCurrentPushes a context on the current CPU thread
cuCtxSetCacheConfigSets the preferred cache configuration for the current...
cuCtxSetCurrentBinds the specified CUDA context to the calling CPU thread
cuCtxSetLimitSet resource limits
cuCtxSetSharedMemConfigSets the shared memory configuration for the current context.
cuCtxSynchronizeBlock for a context's tasks to complete
cudaInvoke a GPU kernel
cudaArrayGetInfoGets info about the specified cudaArray
cudaChooseDeviceSelect compute-device which best matches criteria
cudaCreateChannelDescReturns a channel descriptor using the specified format
cudaDeviceCanAccessPeerQueries if a device may directly access a peer device's...
cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccessDisables direct access to memory allocations on a peer...
cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccessEnables direct access to memory allocations on a peer device.
cudaDeviceGetAttributeReturns information about the device
cudaDeviceGetByPCIBusIdReturns a handle to a compute device
cudaDeviceGetCacheConfigReturns the preferred cache configuration for the current...
cudaDeviceGetLimitReturns resource limits
cudaDeviceGetPCIBusIdReturns a PCI Bus Id string for the device
cudaDeviceGetSharedMemConfigReturns the shared memory configuration for the current...
cudaDeviceProp-classClass '"cudaDeviceProp"'
cudaDeviceResetDestroy all allocations and reset all state on the current...
cudaDeviceSetCacheConfigSets the preferred cache configuration for the current...
cudaDeviceSetLimitSet resource limits
cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfigSets the shared memory configuration for the current device.
cudaDeviceSynchronizeWait for compute device to finish
cudaEventCreateCreates an event object
cudaEventCreateWithFlagsCreates an event object with the specified flags
cudaEventDestroyDestroys an event object
cudaEventElapsedTimeComputes the elapsed time between events
cudaEventQueryQueries an event's status
cudaEventRecordRecords an event
cudaEventSynchronizeWaits for an event to complete
cudaFreeArrayFrees an array on the device
cudaFreeHostFrees page-locked memory
cudaFuncGetAttributesFind out attributes for a given function
cudaFuncSetCacheConfigSets the preferred cache configuration for a device function
cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfigSets the shared memory configuration for a device function
cudaGetChannelDescGet the channel descriptor of an array
cudaGetDeviceReturns which device is currently being used
cudaGetSymbolAddressFinds the address associated with a CUDA symbol
cudaGetSymbolSizeFinds the size of the object associated with a CUDA symbol
cudaGraphicsMapResourcesMap graphics resources for access by CUDA
cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointerGet an device pointer through which to access a mapped...
cudaGraphicsResourceSetMapFlagsSet usage flags for mapping a graphics resource
cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArrayGet an array through which to access a subresource of a...
cudaGraphicsUnmapResourcesUnmap graphics resources.
cudaGraphicsUnregisterResourceUnregisters a graphics resource for access by CUDA
cudaHostAllocAllocates page-locked memory on the host
cudaHostGetDevicePointerPasses back device pointer of mapped host memory allocated by
cudaHostGetFlagsPasses back flags used to allocate pinned host memory...
cudaHostRegisterRegisters an existing host memory range for use by CUDA
cudaHostUnregisterUnregisters a memory range that was registered with...
cudaLaunchLaunches a device function
cudaMalloc3DAllocates logical 1D, 2D, or 3D memory objects on the device
cudaMalloc3DArrayAllocate an array on the device
cudaMallocArrayAllocate an array on the device
cudaMallocHostAllocates page-locked memory on the host
cudaMallocPitchAllocates pitched memory on the device
cudaMemInfoDetermine the memory on the active GPU
cudaPeekAtLastErrorReturns the last error from a runtime call
cudaPointerGetAttributesReturns attributes about a specified pointer
cudaSetDeviceSet device to be used for GPU executions
cudaSetDeviceFlagsSets flags to be used for device executions
cudaSetDoubleForDeviceConverts a double argument to be executed on a device
cudaSetDoubleForHostConverts a double argument after execution on a device
cudaSetValidDevicesSet a list of devices that can be used for CUDA
cudaStreamAddCallbackAdd a callback to a compute stream
cudaStreamCreateCreate an asynchronous stream
cudaStreamCreateWithFlagsCreate an asynchronous stream
cudaStreamDestroyDestroys and cleans up an asynchronous stream
cudaStreamQueryQueries an asynchronous stream for completion status
cudaStreamSynchronizeWaits for stream tasks to complete
cudaStreamWaitEventMake a compute stream wait on an event
cudaVersionDetermine the version of the CUDA SDK
cuDeviceCanAccessPeerQueries if a device may directly access a peer device's...
cuDeviceGetReturns a handle to a compute device
cuDeviceGetAttributeReturns information about the device
cuDeviceGetByPCIBusIdReturns a handle to a compute device
cuDeviceGetCountReturns the number of compute-capable devices
cuDeviceGetNameReturns an identifer string for the device
cuDeviceGetPCIBusIdReturns a PCI Bus Id string for the device
cuDeviceTotalMemReturns the total amount of memory on the device
cuEventCreateCreates an event
cuEventDestroyDestroys an event
cuEventElapsedTimeComputes the elapsed time between two events
cuEventQueryQueries an event's status
cuEventRecordRecords an event
cuEventSynchronizeWaits for an event to complete
cuFuncGetAttributeReturns information about a function
cuFuncGetAttributesGet the attributes of CUDA kernel routine
cuFuncSetBlockShapeSets the block-dimensions for the function
cuFuncSetCacheConfigSets the preferred cache configuration for a device function
cuFuncSetSharedMemConfigSets the shared memory configuration for a device function.
cuFuncSetSharedSizeSets the dynamic shared-memory size for the function
cuGraphicsMapResourcesMap graphics resources for access by CUDA
cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointerGet a device pointer through which to access a mapped...
cuGraphicsResourceSetMapFlagsSet usage flags for mapping a graphics resource
cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArrayGet an array through which to access a subresource of a...
cuGraphicsUnmapResourcesUnmap graphics resources.
cuGraphicsUnregisterResourceUnregisters a graphics resource for access by CUDA
cuInitInitialize CUDA
cuModuleGetFunctionReturns a function handle
cuModuleGetGlobalReturns a global pointer from a module
cuModuleGetSurfRefReturns a handle to a surface reference
cuModuleGetTexRefReturns a handle to a texture reference
cuModuleLoadLoads a compute module
cuModuleLoadDataLoad a module's data
cuModuleLoadDataExLoad a module's data with options
cuModuleLoadFatBinaryLoad a module's data
cuModuleUnloadUnloads a module
cuPointerGetAttributeReturns information about a pointer
CUresult-classClass '"CUresult"'
cuStreamAddCallbackAdd a callback to a compute stream
cuStreamCreateCreate a stream
cuStreamCreateWithPriorityCreate a stream with the given priority
cuStreamDestroyDestroys a stream
cuStreamGetFlagsQuery the flags of a given stream
cuStreamGetPriorityQuery the priority of a given stream
cuStreamQueryDetermine status of a compute stream
cuStreamSynchronizeWait until a stream's tasks are completed
cuStreamWaitEventMake a compute stream wait on an event
getDevicePropertiesQuery the number and details of the GPU devices
loadModuleLoad a GPU module and access its Routines
mallocPitchA higher-level interface to cudaMallocPitch
memoryFunctionsMemory operations
nvccCompile CUDA code
profileCUDAProfiling functions for CUDA calls
duncantl/RCUDA documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:26 p.m.