addWorksheet: Add an empty worksheet to a spreadsheet or a new spreadsheet

addWorksheetR Documentation

Add an empty worksheet to a spreadsheet or a new spreadsheet


The addWorksheet function can be used to add one, empty worksheet to an existing spreadsheet. The new worksheet can be given dimensions and a title.

addSpreadsheet adds a new spreadsheet to the list of Google documents by uploading an empty spreadsheet with the specified dimensions.


addWorksheet(doc, con, dim, title = "", asSheetRef = TRUE, ...)
addSpreadsheet(con, dim = c(20, 10) , name = "Sheet")



either the name of or a “reference”


the authenticated connection to the Google Spreadsheets API. This must be for the "wise" service rather than the general "writely" service. So this should be an object of class "GoogleSpreadsheetsConnection" created with a call of the form getGoogleDocsConnection(login, password, "wise").


the desired dimensions (rows and columns) of the new worksheet.


a character string giving the title for the new worksheet


a logical value indicating whether the result should be a GoogleWorksheetRef-class object or the status of the HTTP request to add the worksheet.


additional arguments passed on to curlPerform which submits the request.


a character string giving the name of the spreadsheet document


If asSheetRef is TRUE, an object of GoogleWorksheetRef-class.

If asSheetRef is FALSE, the status of the HTTP request from curlPerform.


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also

getDocs getGoogleDocsConnection getGoogleAuth

duncantl/RGoogleDocs documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:22 p.m.