comments: Query elements of word processing document

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commentsR Documentation

Query elements of word processing document


These functions allow the caller to retrieve the values of certain types of elements within a Google word processing document. These elements are the referenced images, the names of the sections, the footnotes and the comments. One can fetch the values of these elements or alternatively the HTML/XML nodes in which they are contained. This is useful if one wants to modify the contents of the document.


comments(doc, con, asNodes = FALSE)
images(doc, con, full.names = FALSE, asNodes = FALSE)
footnotes(doc, con, asNodes = FALSE)
sections(doc, con, asNodes = FALSE)



the document to be queried. This can be the name of the document, a "GoogleDocument" returned as an element from a call to getDocs, or a parsed HTML document (using native/internal nodes).


the authenticated connection to the Google Docs API. See getGoogleDocsConnection.


a logical value indicating whether to return the nodes corresponding to the items rather than their contents.


a logical value indicating whether to give the full names or the relative names of image files. If this is TRUE, the values are (or will be!) expanded relative to the name of the document, i.e. if the document is


These functions return either a character vector or a data.frame, or if asNodes is TRUE then a list of the corresponding nodes.

comments returns a data frame with a row for each comment and three columns: text, date and author's name. The date is of class POSIXct.


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also

readDoc getGoogleDocsConnection


if((tmp <- Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_DOCS_PASSWORD")) != "") {
  tmp = strsplit(tmp, "=")[[1]]
  assign("GoogleDocsPassword", structure(tmp[2], names = tmp[1]), globalenv())

if(exists("GoogleDocsPassword")) {
      # getGoogleDocsConnection("my login", "my password")

   con = getGoogleDocsConnection(names(GoogleDocsPassword), GoogleDocsPassword)
   images("Many Parts", con)
   comments("Many Parts", con)

   docs = getDocs(con)
   sections(docs[["Many Parts"]], con)

     # If we want to parse the document just once and then 
     # get the elements without having to go back to Google
     # each time to download the document.
   hdoc = htmlParse(getDocContent("Many Parts", con), asText = TRUE, error = function(...){})

duncantl/RGoogleDocs documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:22 p.m.