Man pages for duncantl/XDynDocs
Dynamic Documents with XML and XSL

convertConvert an R object to a format depending on the target...
createGraphicsDeviceOpen a new graphics device for creating a plot within the...
Docbook-classClasses for identifying XML content as being for a target...
docbookVersionQuery the version of the Docbook XSL distribution being used
dynamicDataRestore data from within the document
DynamicDocContext-classSettings/Options controlling the R evaluation of code in a...
DynamicOptionsCompute the options for the target format
DynamicTarget-classClass "DynamicTarget" and other output format classes
dynDocProcess a dynamic document
evalShellEvaluat UNIX shell commands
formatCodeFormat R code for displaying in a document
getStyleSheetParamsGet the XSL parameters for the target XSL stylesheet
matrix2DocBookCreate an XML representation of an R matrix for specific...
Old/runUpToSectionProcess the code elements up to a particular section
Old/xmlSourceVariableProcess the code elements involved in defining particular...
xml2HTMLProcess XML/R-Docbook document to HTML or PDF statically
duncantl/XDynDocs documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 5:20 p.m.