dynDoc: Process a dynamic document

dynDocR Documentation

Process a dynamic document


This uses XSL and R to process an XML dynamic document into a rendered document by evaluating the R code within the document and inserting the results within the newly generated document. This is the top-level function which handles details of finding the correct style sheet, checking whether the processing needs to be done, etc. The function xslDynamicDoc does the actual processing via XSLT.

The action of the function is a combination of XSL and R processing, with Docbook XSL style sheets and our extensions processing the input XML and applying template rules to render those. Some of the templates make calls to R functions via the Sxslt infrastructure and similarly, the R functions can access the XSL engine and its templats and "functions".

There are many different options that can be passed to the XSL processor and to the R functions that perform the evaluation. Documentation for the XSL parameters is

Since the evaluation of the code can, in general, take some timek the function checks whether the output file already exists and if it is more recent than the source XML document. If it is, it will return immediately and avoid re-processing the document. The argument force can be used to avoid this.

This function is similar to weaving in Sweave to generate the document for the end reader.


dynDoc(doc, target = "FO", xsl = getStyleSheet(target), 
        out = paste(directory, gsub("(xml|Rdb)$", getExtension(tolower(target)), basename(doc)),
                    sep = .Platform$file.sep), 
       fop = FopExec, xslParams = getStyleSheetParams(target),
       fopArgs = character(), 
       env = dynDocsEnv(), 
       directory = if (missing(out) || all(is.na(out)))
                      dirname(if (is.character(doc)) doc 
                      docName(doc)) else dirname(out[1]),
       imageDirectory = if(!is.na(workDir)) "." else directory, 
       graphicsDevice = list(svg = svg), 
       dynOpts = DynamicOptions(target,
                                  width = if(target == "HTML") options()$width else 72,
                                  directory = if(!is.na(workDir)) "." else directory,
                                  device = graphicsDevice,
                                  stopOnError = stopOnError,
                                  env = env), 
       ..., force = FALSE, 
        invocation = paste(deparse(sys.call(), if (target == "HTML") 90 else 50), collapse = "\n"), 
       .errorFun = XML:::xmlErrorCumulator(), verbose = TRUE,
        stopOnError = FALSE, workDir = getDir(doc))

xslDynamicDoc(doc, xsl, ..., .xslParams = list(...), format = "FO", env = dynDocsEnv(), 
              dynOpts = DynamicOptions(format, ...), 
              .errorFun = XML:::xmlErrorCumulator(), verbose = TRUE,
              xslFuns = defaultXSLFunctions(format, env, dynOpts),
              workDir = getDir(doc))



the name of the file containing the document or alternatively a previously parsed or generated XMLInternalDocument object.


a string identifying the desired target format. This can be one of "HTML", "FO", "LaTeX", "iHTML". This is used to find the relevant style file, etc.


either the file name of the XSL style sheet to use (given as a local file or as a URL which is passed through the catalog resolution mechanism to attempt to find a local file) or a previously parsed (or created) XSL style sheet, e.g.


the name of the file to which the resulting document should be written. This can be or character(0) to indicate that the internal XML document should be returned directly. This allows the


a string that specifies the executable for running the FO processing step. We have used FOP, the http://www.apache.org/fop FO processor written in Java. This string tells R where fop was installed. This should be detected/specified at configuration time, but we allow the caller to specify it here so that he/she can experiment with new versions.


a name-value character vector (i.e. named strings) providing XSL parameter values that are passed to

xslDynamicDoc and onto xsltApplyStyleSheet . These include parameters such as use.existing.data, r:verbose, showCode which are used within the XSL style sheets.


a character vector providing command line arguments that are used in a call to the FO processing application, if that is performed. This is irrlevant for conversion to HTML and formats other than PDF via FO.


the R environment in which the R code within the document nodes will be evaluated. This can be globalenv if any function definitions and assignments in general are to be preserved after the processing of the XML document, or alternatively a separate environment. The default is to create a new environment which will serve for this instance of processing this document. One can supply an environment which is already populated with values, however this does not necessarily make sense given that the XML document is supposed to contain all the code it needs. However, that would allow us to process a sub-part of the document and not starting at the beginning.


the name of a directory/folder in which temporary files (if they are needed) such as images will be stored. For example, in an HTML or FO/PDF file that includes images, we can either use SVG an inline the images within the output document, or we have to store them and refer to them in the second rendering process (i.e. in the HTML browser or the processing of the FO or document).


a character vector (or named list) giving name-value pairs which are, by default, used as elements of the XSL parameters. This occurs when no value is given for xslParams.


if the target/ouptut file already exists and is more recent than the input XML file(s), the function will not bother running the XSL transformation, assuming that the the request is unnecessary (much like dependencies in the make utility). This parameter allows the caller to force the processing to occur even if the output is more recent than the input. This is useful when we want to by-pass the computations to find the dependencies or when we want to perform the processing with different command-line parameters on the same file.


a string or R expression that gives the command that was used to process and generate the new document. This is typically added to the bottom of the newly generated document for readers to consult to determine the origin of the new document.


a list of named parameters that are used as XSL variables within the XSL transformation. See the parameter xsltApplyStyleSheet.


the desired format of the output document, typically one of "HTML", "FO", "PDF", "LaTeX".


the directory in which the images written to a file should be located


a list of named elements giving the association between the file extensions and a function that creates the corresponding graphics device. The first element is treated as the default graphics device for r:plot and similar nodes that do not have an explicit format attribute.


the error function to use in the call to xsltApplyStyleSheet


a logical or integer value that controls whether information about the individual steps is written on the console as they occur. FALSE means no information, TRUE means information about the evaluation of the individual code nodes, and a number > 1 gives more information.


a collection of R functions that are to be registered as XSL functions that can be used within XSL templates. These are registered with addXSLTFunctions in the Sxslt package.


a logical value indicating whether to stop processing the document when an error occurs in any of the code chunks, or to keep going in spite of the error and continue to process subsequent code chunks.


the name of a directory which is used as the current working directory for the duration of this function. This allows us to change the working directory relative to which calls to source and load in the dynamic document is If this is NA, we do not changed the working directory.


We use http://docbook.sourceforge.net as the basis for the markup vocabulary for the dynamic documents. We have extended it to support additional XML nodes such as r:code, r:plot, r:expr, r:value, r:func, r:arg, etc. for including R code and concepts within the document.


         # Process a basic XML file
     #           This uses a very simple example dynamic document within the 
     #           package.  The code illustrates some of the XSL parameters we can 
     #           specify. We pass XSL parameters via xslParams
dynDoc(system.file("examples", "simple.xml", package = "XDynDocs"), "HTML",
        xslParams = c('r:verbose' = 1, showCode = 1, use.existing.data = 1),
         force = TRUE)
         # Generating PDF
     #        Here we  generate FO output and process it into PDF by invoking
     #        Apache's  FOP tool whose location we specify directly via fop.
dynDoc(system.file("examples", "simple.xml", package = "XDynDocs"), "FO")

if(require(RSvgDevice)) {
            f = system.file("examples", "svg.xml", package = "XDynDocs")
   	    dynDoc(f, "HTML", force = TRUE, graphicsDev = list(svg = devSVG), 'r:verbose' = FALSE)

    	    SVG = devSVG
    	    dynDoc(f, "HTML", force = TRUE, graphicsDev = "SVG", 'r:verbose' = FALSE)

  # Return the document
 dynDoc(system.file("examples", "expandEg.xml", package = "XDynDocs"), "HTML", out = NA)

duncantl/XDynDocs documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 5:20 p.m.