
##' Checks whether a model is recursive (i.e., limits to a DAG)
##' @param r.model The model generated with the function \code{\link{DE}}
##' @param var.names The names of the variables
##' @seealso \code{\link{is.dag}}
##' @return Logical (either TRUE or FALSE)
##' @export
is.recur = function(r.model, var.names){
	two.arrows = which(r.model$Arrows==2)
	if (length(two.arrows)>0){
		reformat.model = r.model[-two.arrows,]
	} else {
		reformat.model = r.model
	reformat.model$From = as.character(reformat.model$From)
	reformat.model$To = as.character(reformat.model$To)
	for (o in 1:length(var.names)){
		froms = which(reformat.model$From == var.names[o])
		tos = which(reformat.model$To == var.names[o])
		reformat.model$From[froms] = o
		reformat.model$To[tos] = o
	check = as.numeric(c(rbind(reformat.model$From, reformat.model$To)))
	recur = is.dag(graph(check))
dustinfife/DE documentation built on May 15, 2019, 6:03 p.m.