Man pages for dustinfife/fifer
A Biostatisticians Toolbox for Various Activities, Including Plotting, Data Cleanup, and Data Analysis

anchored.gradientCreate a color gradient with a color for zero
auto.layoutAutomatically select the layout.
bin.variablesBin them vars
boxcoxRTransform data using a boxcox transformation
chisq.plotPlot Expected and Observed Frequencies (Chi Square) for significant differences among all pairs of...
ci.meanCompute the confidence interval of a mean
clearClear memory of all objects
colored.tableCreate a color-coded table in latex
computeThetaCalculate inverse tangent.
contentsView the contents (functions) of a package
cor2covCorrelation Matrix to Covariance Matrix Conversion
demographicsSummarize a Data Set (Demographics)
densityPlotRGenerate a density plot using a formula
drop.columnsDrop (or keep) all columns containing a vector of strings
ellipsePlots an Ellipse
excelColsGenerate Excel column labels
excelMatchObtain column number or variable name from Excel named...
fakeMedicalDataFictitious Medical Dataset
generate.dataSimulate multivariate normal data
generate_polynomialGenerate polynomial random data
get.colsExtract column index
gradient.legendCreate a gradiented legend
hashCreate useless hashes
iccCompute the ICC from a lmer (package lme4) model
imageInteractionPlot an two-way quantitative interaction in an image plot
improve.fitCompare the improvement in fit from a baseline model
impute.meMultiple Imputation on a Model
impute.model.comparisonCompute Bayes Factor for a Imputed Model
intersperseIntersperse elements of Two+ Vectors
jit.funcHow to display data
last.sampleReturn only one row per ID
make.dataBasic function for simulating bivariate data
make.nullDrop or keep variables in a dataset
make.symmetricForce a matrix to be symmetric
missing.valsSummary of Missing Data
mv.rnormRandomly Generate Multivariate Normal Data from numbers to colors
par1Change default par parameters
par2Change default par parameters
plot.rfInterpPlot rfInterp Summary
plot.rfPredPlot rfPred Summary
plot.rfThreshrfThesh Summary
plotSigBarsAdd significance bars to a prism plot
predicted.lineCreate and plot a fitted line for a generalized linear model
print.rfInterpPrint rfInterp Summary
print.rfPredPrint rfPred Summary
print.rfThreshPrint rfThesh Summary
printxChange Defaults of print.xtable
prism.plotsPlot prism-like Plots
pval.xtableConvert p-values into strings with inequalities.
rExtract variable column indices
random.correlationGenerate a random correlation matrix
raw.alph.funcFind transparency of data
r.critCompute critical r or p.
read.fifeRead in a dataset and load the meta-data for a file
related.plotFunction to create a related t test plot
replaceReplace values in a vector
rescaleTransform a variable to have a particular mean and standard...
residualize.lowessResidualize a lowess function
rfInterpVariable Selection with Random Forest
rfPredVariable selection in Random Forest
rfSensitivityOutput accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, NPV, and PPV.
rfThreshVariable Selection Using Random Forests
rotateGraphRotate a graph using polar coordinates
roxtempGenerate a Roxygen Template
save_plotSave a plot for 1080p
scaleBStandardize coefficients
scaleBreakScatterplot with a Scale Break
scaleItScale a variable
spearman.plotSpearman plot
spread_typeType of spread to use
stratifiedSample from a 'data.frame' according to a stratification... between strings to colors
subset.sampleSample the data
SummarizeContinuousDefaultSummarize a continuous vector with mean plus/minus standard...
SummarizeFactorDefaultSummarize a factor vector with count and percentages
SummarizeVarSummarize a vector (continuous or factor)
summary.rfPredPrint a Summary Table of rfPred
unfactorConvert a factor to a character (or number)
univariate.testsExtract p values for a data frame
write.fifeWrite a dataset and load the meta-data
x.summaryType of x summary to use (line or mean)
xtable.rfInterpPrepare xtable Summary
xtable.rfPredPrepare xtable Summary
youtube_plotCreate a 1080p plot for YouTube
z.testPerform a z test
dustinfife/fifer documentation built on Oct. 31, 2020, 3:36 p.m.