
# ##' Plot univariate distribution of a variable
# ##'
# ##' A function that automatically plots either a barchart or a histogram (depending on data type)
# ##'	
# ##' Ideally, the user will provide the data type for this function (by saying numeric = T, or numeric = F)
# ##' Omitting that, the function will decide for the user. If the variable is coded as numeric AND there are more than five unique values of the variable,
# ##' it will generate a histogram. If the variable is a factor OR it has five or less unique values, it will output a barchart. 
# ##' @param variable A string indicating the name of the variable to plot
# ##' @param d The name of the dataset (which contains the variable the user wishes to plot)
# ##' @param numeric Logical. Is the variable of interest numeric? (Meaning, should a histogram be plotted?)
# ##' @return A plot
# ##' @author Dustin Fife
# ##' @export
# ##' @import ggplot2
# ##' @examples
# ##' distress = sample(1:10, size=22, replace=TRUE)
# ##' uni.plot(distress, numeric=TRUE, d=NULL)
# uni.plot = function(variable, d=NULL, numeric=NULL){
# 	#### first try to find the variable
# 		if (is.null(d) & is.character(variable)){
# 			stop("You must specify a dataset if you surround the variable name in quotes")
# 		} else if (!is.null(d)){
# 			#### try finding that variable in the dataset
# 			tryCatch(d[,variable], error=function(error){paste0("I couldn't find '", variable, "' in your dataset")})
# 			out = tryCatch(length(d[,variable])>0, error=function(error){paste0("I couldn't find '", variable,"' in your dataset"); return(FALSE)})			
# 			if (!out){
# 				stop(paste0("I couldn't find variable '", variable, "' in your dataset"))
# 			}			
# 		} else if (is.null(d[,variable]) & !is.character(variable)){
# 			d = data.frame(variable); names(d) = deparse(substitute(variable))
# 			variable = deparse(substitute(variable))
# 		}
# 	levels = length(unique(d[,variable]))	
# 	#### specify conditions
# 	if (!is.null(numeric)){
# 		if (numeric==T){
# 			condition = "numeric"
# 		} else if (numeric == F){
# 			condition = "categorical"
# 		} 
# 	} else {
# 		if (is.numeric(d[,variable]) & levels>5){
# 			condition = "numeric"
# 		} else if (is.factor(variable)){
# 			condition = "categorical"
# 		} else {
# 			condition = "categorical"
# 		}
# 	}
# 		#### if they specified a numeric variable...
# 	if (condition == "numeric"){
# 		p = ggplot(data=d, aes_string(variable)) + geom_histogram(fill="lightgray", col="black", bins=min(30, round(levels/2))) + theme_bw() + labs(x=variable)
# 		### now create the code that created it
# 		output = paste0("R Code to generate plots: \n\n ggplot(data=", deparse(substitute(d)), ", aes(", variable, ")) + geom_histogram(fill='lightgray', col='black') + theme_bw() + labs(x='", variable, "')")
# 		#cat(output)
# 		return(p)
# 	} else {
# 		p = ggplot(data=d, aes_string(variable)) + geom_bar() + theme_bw() + labs(x=variable)
# 		output = paste0("R Code to generate plots: \n\n ggplot(data=", deparse(substitute(d)), ", aes(", variable, ")) + geom_bar() + theme_bw() + labs(x='", variable, "')")
# 		#cat(output)		
# 		return(p)			
# 	} 
# }
dustinfife/flexplot documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:01 p.m.