
# ##' Estimate Cohen's d Using Case IV
# ##'
# ##' Estimate Cohen's d Using Case IV
# ##'	
# ##' @param predictor.var The variable the researcher wishes to estimate subgroup differences for
# ##' @param grouping.var The categorical variable that indicates group membership
# ##' @param rxxa The reliability at the applicant (population) level
# ##' @param rxxi The reliability at the incumbent (selected) level
# ##' @param sd.x.pop The population standard deviation of x
# ##' @author Dustin Fife
# ##' @export
# ##' @examples
# ##' grouping.var = rep(c(1:2), times=50)
# ##' predictor.var = 30 + 5*grouping.var + rnorm(100, 0, 5)
# ##' dc4(predictor.var, grouping.var, rxxa=.8, rxxi=.7, sd.x.pop=7)
# dc4 = function(predictor.var, grouping.var, rxxa, rxxi, sd.x.pop){
# 	#### remove missing values
# 	r.x = na.omit(predictor.var)
# 	r.g = na.omit(grouping.var)
# 	##### estimate d
# 	d.est = abs(d.computation(y=r.x, group = r.g))	
# 	dc = d.est/sqrt(rxxi)
# 	##### compute r
# 	r.est = cor(r.x, as.numeric(r.g))
# 	#### set up remaining parameters
# 	P = length(which(r.g==unique(r.g)[1]))/length(r.g)
# 	Q = 1-P
# 	ux = sd(r.x)/sd.x.pop
# 	ut = sqrt((ux^2-(1-rxxa))/rxxa)
# 	#### apply case IV
# 	rc4 = (dc/(ut*sqrt((P*Q)^(-1) + dc^2)))/sqrt(((1/ut^2)-1)*(dc/sqrt((P*Q)^(-1)+dc^2))^2 + 1)
# 	dc4 = rc4/sqrt(P*Q*(1-rc4^2))
# 	return(dc4)	
# }
# ##' Estimate Cohen's d Using the EM Algorithm
# ##'
# ##' Estimate Cohen's d Using the EM Algorithm
# ##'	
# ##' @param data The dataset containing missing values
# ##' @param grouping.var The name of the grouping variable (surrounded by quotes)
# ##' @param rxxa Optional. The value of the reliability at the population level (to correct for unreliability)
# ##' @author Dustin Fife
# ##' @export
# ##' @importFrom mix prelim.mix
# ##' @importFrom mix em.mix
# ##' @importFrom mix getparam.mix
# dc4 = function(data, grouping.var, rxxa=NULL){
# 		#### reorder data so grouping variable comes first
# 	g = which(names(data) %in% grouping.var)
# 	not.g = which(!(names(data) %in% grouping.var))
# 	data = data[,c(g, not.g)]
# 		#### identify location of grouping variable
# 	require(mix); 
# 	data[,1] = factor(data[,1])
# 	ss = mix::prelim.mix(data.matrix(data), 1)
# 	thetahat = mix::em.mix(ss)
# 	em.est = mix::getparam.mix(ss,thetahat, corr=TRUE)
# 	if (!is.null(rxxa)){
# 		em.d = diff(em.est$mu[outcome.var,])/em.est$sdv[outcome.var]/sqrt(rxx)
# 	} else {
# 		em.d = diff(em.est$mu[outcome.var,])/em.est$sdv[outcome.var]
# 	}
# 	return(em.d)
# }
# ##' Correct Cohen's d Using the Pearson Lawley
# ##'
# ##' Correct Cohen's d Using the Pearson Lawley
# ##'	
# ##' @param selected.cov The selected variance/covariance matrix of all variables
# ##' @param pop.cov The population variance/covariance matrix of all variables used for selection
# ##' @param Q The proportion of applicants belonging to the minority group
# ##' @param grouping.var The index of the grouping variable (i.e., which column indicates the parameters for the grouping variable?)
# ##' @param outcome.var The index of the outcome variable (i.e., which column indicates the parameters for the outcome variable?)
# ##' @return The pearson lawley estimate of d
# ##' @author Dustin Fife
# ##' @export
# dpl = function(selected.cov, pop.cov, Q, grouping.var, outcome.var){
# 	p = nrow(pop.cov)
# 	pl.r = cov2cor(mv.correction(selected.cov, v.pp=pop.cov, p=p))[grouping.var, outcome.var]
# 	not.Q = 1-P
# 	return(pl.r/sqrt(P*Q*(1-pl.r^2)))
# }
dustinfife/selection documentation built on Aug. 17, 2020, 5:43 a.m.