
context("determine route")

test_that("it determines the root 404 route for a trivial example", {
  expect_identical(determine_route(list(), "")()$status, 404)

test_that("it determines the ping route for a simple example", {
  expect_identical(determine_route(list("/ping" = function() "Hello world"), "/ping")(),
                                   "Hello world")

test_that("it determines the root 404 route for a simple example", {
    list("/ping" = function() "Hello world"), "/notping")()$status, 404)

test_that("it determines the root route for a simple example", {
  expect_identical(determine_route(list("/ping" = function() "Hello world",
                                        function() "Index page"), "/notping")(),
                                   "Index page")

test_that("it cannot fetch the file for an asset if it doesn't exist", {
  expect_identical(determine_route(list(serve_static = TRUE), "index.html")()$status, 404)

test_that("it fetches the file for an asset if it exists", {
  within_file_structure(list(public = list("index.html" = "I am a real file!")), {
    curdir <- getwd(); setwd(tempdir); on.exit(setwd(curdir))
    resp <- determine_route(list(serve_static = TRUE), "index.html")
    expect_identical(resp$body, "I am a real file!")

test_that('it can serve a closure', {
    list('/ping' = function(p,q){(function(){"pong"})()}), '/ping')(), "pong")
dvanderbeek/microserver-test documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:37 a.m.