
Defines functions expandTaxonTree

Documented in expandTaxonTree

#' Extrapolating Lower-Level Taxon Phylogenies from Higher-Level Taxon Trees
#' This function takes a tree composed of higher-level taxa and a vector of
#' lower-level taxa belonging to the set of higher-level taxa included in the
#' input tree and produces a tree composed of the lower-level taxa, by treating
#' the higher-level taxa as unresolved monophyletic polytomies. A user can also
#' mark higher taxa as paraphyletic such that these are secondarily collapsed
#' and do not form monophyletic clades in the output tree.
#' @details The output tree will probably be a rough unresolved view of the
#' relationships among the taxa, due to the treatment of higher-level taxa as
#' polytomies. This is similar to the methods used in Webb and Donoghue (2005)
#' and Friedman (2009). Any analyses should be done by resolving this tree with
#' \code{\link{multi2di}} in the \code{ape} package or via the various time-scaling
#' functions found in this package (paleotree).
#' The \code{taxaData} vector should have one element per lower-level taxon that is to
#' be added to the tree. The name of each element in the vector should be the
#' names of the lower-level taxa, which will be used as new tip labels of the
#' output lower-taxon tree. There should be no empty elements! 
#' Otherwise, \code{expandTaxonTree} won't know what to do with taxa that aren't being expanded.
#' By default, all higher-level taxa are treated as monophyletic clades if not
#' otherwise specified. The collapse vector can (and probably should) be used
#' if there is doubt about the monophyly of any higher-level taxa included in
#' the input taxon-tree, so that such a group would be treated as a paraphyletic
#' group in the output tree.
#' Also by default, the output tree will lack branch lengths and thus will not be
#' dated, even if the input phylogeny is dated. 
#' If \code{keepBrLen = TRUE}, then the tree's edge lengths are kept and
#' new taxa are added as zero length branches attaching to a node that
#' represents the previous higher-taxon. This tree is probably not useful for
#' most applications, and may even strongly bias some analyses. \emph{USE WITH
#' CAUTION!} The \code{collapse} argument, given as a vector, 
#' will cause such edges to be replaced by
#' zero-length branches rather than fully collapsing them, which could have odd
#' effects. If \code{collapse} is not \code{NULL} and \code{keepBrLen = TRUE}, 
#' a warning is issued that the output probably won't make much sense at all.

#' @param taxonTree A phylogeny as an object of class \code{phylo}, where tips represent 
#' some 'higher taxa' that is to be expanded at a lower taxonomic level.

#' @param taxaData Character vector of higher taxa, with elements names equal
#' to the lower taxa. See below.

#' @param collapse Character vector containing names of non-monophyletic higher taxa to be
#' collapsed.

#' @param keepBrLen Logical, decides if branch lengths should be kept or
#' discarded. \code{FALSE} by default. See details below.

#' @param plot If \code{TRUE}, plots a comparison between input and output trees

#' @return Outputs the modified tree as an object of class \code{phylo}, with the
#' higher-level taxa expanded into polytomies and the lower-level taxa as the
#' tip labels.

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @seealso \code{\link{multi2di}}, \code{\link{bind.tree}}

#' @references Friedman, M. 2009 Ecomorphological selectivity among marine
#' teleost fishes during the end-Cretaceous extinction. \emph{Proceedings of
#' the National Academy of Sciences} \bold{106}(13):5218--5223.
#' Webb, C. O., and M. J. Donoghue. 2005 Phylomatic: tree assembly for applied
#' phylogenetics. \emph{Molecular Ecology Notes} \bold{5}(1):181--183.

#' @examples
#' set.seed(444)
#' # lets make our hypothetical simulated tree of higher taxa
#' taxtr <- rtree(10)
#' # taxa to place within higher taxa
#' taxd <- sample(taxtr$tip.label, 30, replace = TRUE)	
#' names(taxd) <- paste(taxd,"_x", 1:30, sep = "")
#' coll <- sample(taxtr$tip.label,3)		#what to collapse?
#' expandTaxonTree(taxonTree = taxtr, taxaData = taxd, 
#'                 collapse = coll, plot = TRUE)

#' @export expandTaxonTree
expandTaxonTree <- function(taxonTree,
                            collapse = NULL,
                            keepBrLen = FALSE,
                            plot = FALSE
	#this function takes a higher-level taxon tree and
		#expands it to a lower level species-level tree
		#using a species list
	# term 'taxa' here represents the groups to be replaced on the taxonTree
	#taxonTree = tree with taxon IDs as tips
	#taxaData = character vector of higher taxon ids for each new tip, tip labels as vector names
	#collapse = if present, vector of taxa names to be collapsed
	#should be possible to take a tree of mixed species/genera
		#and just replace the genera
	#taxonTree <- rtree(10);taxonTree$tip.label <- as.character(1:10);collapse <- sample(taxonTree$tip.label,5)
	#taxaData <- as.character(sample(1:10,100,replace = TRUE));names(taxaData) <- paste("t",1:100,sep = "")
	if(!inherits(taxonTree, "phylo")){
		stop("taxonTree is not of class phylo")
	if(any(is.na(taxaData))){stop("some values of taxonData missing!!")}
	if(!is.null(collapse) & keepBrLen){
		message("Warning: collapsed branch lengths turned to zero when keepBrLen is TRUE!")}
	tree <- taxonTree
	if(!keepBrLen){tree$edge.length <- rep(1,Nedge(tree))}		#get rid of all branch lengths
	#first, expand all higher taxa to lower taxon polytomies
	for(i in unique(taxaData)){				#loop through all 	
		tip <- which(tree$tip.label == i)
		if(length(collapse)>0){if(any(collapse == i)){
			tree$edge.length[which(tree$edge[,2] == tip)] <- 0
		cotaxa <- names(taxaData)[taxaData == i]	#which species do I want? These...
		repTree <- stree(length(cotaxa))		#replacement polytomy
			repTree$edge.length <- rep(0,length(cotaxa))
			repTree$edge.length <- rep(1,length(cotaxa))
		repTree$tip.label <- cotaxa			#replace names,edge.lengths
		tree <- bind.tree(tree,repTree,tip)	#replace the right tip	
		#now collapse non-monophyletic groupings
		tree1 <- di2multi(tree)
		tree1$edge.length <- NULL
		#tree1 <- collapse.singles(tree1)
		#if(!testEdgeMat(tree1)){stop("Edge matrix has inconsistencies")}
		#tree1 <- read.tree(text = write.tree(tree1))
		tree1 <- cleanNewPhylo(tree1)
		tree1 <- tree
	if(plot == TRUE){layout(1:2);plot(taxonTree);plot(tree1);layout(1)}
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 6:44 a.m.