
#' Example Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
#' Example datasets consisting of (a) occurrence data and (b) taxonomic data
#' downloaded from the Paleobiology Database API for the Graptolithina.
#' In order to make sure to catch anything that might be considered a graptolite,
#' the actual taxon searched for was the Pterobranchia, the larger clade
#' that includes graptolites within it (Mitchell et al., 2013).

#' @name graptPBDB
#' @rdname graptPBDB
#' @aliases graptPBDB graptOccPBDB graptTaxaPBDB graptTimeTree graptTree

#' @details
#' This example PBDB data is included here for testing
#' functions involving occurrence data and taxonomy
#' in \code{paleotree}.

#' @format 
#' The example occurrence dataset (\code{graptOccPBDB}) is a
#' \code{data.frame} consisting of 5900 occurrences (rows) and 35 variables (columns).
#' The example taxonomy dataset (\code{graptTaxaPBDB}) is a
#' \code{data.frame} consisting of 364 formal taxa (rows) and 53 variables (columns).
#' Variables are coded in the 'pbdb' vocabulary of the PBDB API v1.2.
#' Two phylogeny-like objects, an undated taxon-tree, and a dated version
#' of the former, are provided as \code{graptTree} and \code{graptTimeTree} respectively.

#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{taxonSortPBDBocc}}, \code{\link{occData2timeList}},
#' \code{\link{makePBDBtaxonTree}}, \code{\link{plotOccData}}

#' @references
#' Mitchell, C. E., M. J. Melchin, C. B. Cameron, and J. Maletz.
#' 2013. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Rhabdopleura
#' is an extant graptolite. \emph{Lethaia} 46(1):34-56.
#' Peters, S. E., and M. McClennen. 2015. The Paleobiology Database
#' application programming interface. \emph{Paleobiology} 42(1):1-7.

#' @source 
#' See examples for the full R code used to obtain the data from the API.
#' You can find the Paleobiology Database at \url{https://paleobiodb.org}
#' The occurrence data was entered by many, including
#' (six most prominent enterers, in order of relative portion):
#' P. Novack-Gottshall, M. Krause, M. Foote,
#' A. Hendy, T. Hanson, and M. Sommers.
#' This entered data was authorized mainly by A. Miller,
#' W. Kiessling, M. Foote, A. Hendy,
#' S. Holland, J. Sepkoski (as well as others).

#' @keywords datasets

#' @docType data

#' @examples
#' # let's look for pterobranch genera
#'     # pterobranchs are the larger group containing graptolites
#' taxon <- "Pterobranchia"
#' selectRank <- "genus"
#' \dontrun{
#' library(paleotree)
#' # get taxon data
#'     # default variables
#' graptTaxaPBDB<-getCladeTaxaPBDB(taxon)
#' # get the taxon tree
#' graptTree <- makePBDBtaxonTree(graptTaxaPBDB,
#'     rankTaxon = selectRank
#'     )
#' # date the tree using the ranges
#'     # provided directly by the PBDB
#' graptTimeTree <- dateTaxonTreePBDB(graptTree)
#' library(strap)
#' dev.new(height=6, width=10)
#' geoscalePhylo(graptTimeTree, 
#'     ages=graptTimeTree$ranges.used
#'     )
#' nodelabels(graptTimeTree$node.label,
#'     cex=0.7,
#'     adj=c(0.3,0)
#'     )
#' # slice tree at the Mississippian-Pennslyvannian boundary so
#'     # the *two* extant genera don't obfuscate the tree
#' graptTimeTreePrePenn <- timeSliceTree(
#'     ttree = graptTimeTree,
#'     sliceTime = 323.2
#'     )
#' slicedRanges <- graptTimeTree$ranges.used
#' slicedRanges [slicedRanges < 323.2] <- 323.2
#' # plot it!
#' dev.new(height=6, width=10)
#' geoscalePhylo(graptTimeTreePrePenn, 
#'     ages = slicedRanges 
#'     )
#' nodelabels(graptTimeTreePrePenn$node.label,
#'     cex=0.7,
#'     adj=c(0.3,0)
#'     )
#' # we could also date the tree using the occurrence data
#'     # default variables
#' graptOccPBDB <- getPBDBocc(taxon)
#' # some PBDB people have names that aren't in ASCII
#'     # but CRAN hates non-ASCII character, sooo...
#'     # convert using gtools::ASCIIfy 
#' levels(graptOccPBDB$enterer) <- gtools::ASCIIfy(
#'      levels(graptOccPBDB$enterer))
#' levels(graptOccPBDB$authorizer) <- gtools::ASCIIfy(
#'      levels(graptOccPBDB$authorizer))
#' levels(graptOccPBDB$modifier) <- gtools::ASCIIfy(
#'      levels(graptOccPBDB$modifier))
#' graptOccSort <- taxonSortPBDBocc(graptOccPBDB, 
#'     rank = selectRank,
#'     onlyFormal = FALSE, 
#'     cleanUncertain = FALSE)
#' graptTimeList <- occData2timeList(occList = graptOccSort)
#' graptTimeTreeFromOcc <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     graptTree,
#'     timeList = graptTimeList,
#'     nonstoch.bin = TRUE,
#'     type = "mbl",
#'     vartime = 3)
#' plot(graptTimeTreeFromOcc, show.tip.label=FALSE)
#' axisPhylo()
#' # don't need to slice tree because extant-only taxa were dropped
#' dev.new(height=6, width=10)
#' geoscalePhylo(graptTimeTreeFromOcc, 
#'     ages=graptTimeTreeFromOcc$ranges.used
#' 	   )
#' nodelabels(graptTimeTreeFromOcc$node.label,
#'     cex=0.7,
#' 	   adj=c(0.3,0)
#' 	   )
#' graphics.off()
#' save(graptOccPBDB,
#'      graptTaxaPBDB,
#'      graptTree,
#'      graptTimeTree,
#'      file = "graptPBDB.rdata")
#' }
#' # load archived example data
#' data(graptPBDB)
#' # let's visualize who entered the majority of the occurrence data
#' pie(sort(table(graptOccPBDB$enterer)))
#' # and now who authorized it
#' pie(sort(table(graptOccPBDB$authorizer)))
#' # I *sort of* apologize for using pie charts.
#' # Let's look at age resolution of these occurrences
#' hist(graptOccPBDB$max_ma - graptOccPBDB$min_ma,
#'     main = "Age Resolution of Occurrences",
#'     xlab = "Ma")
#' # use table to calculate distribution 
#'     #of taxa among taxonomic ranks
#' table(graptTaxaPBDB$taxon_rank)
#' barplot(table(graptTaxaPBDB$taxon_rank))
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on July 9, 2024, 9:18 a.m.