
Re-running the mlgenomu example

The test data that comes with mlgenomeu is included as part of this package, we can load it via data()


If these data really come from a mutation accumulation experiment it's an odd one, as the among-line variance is lower in the experimental data than the control:

c(Control=var(ma_control), Experiment=var(ma_experimental))
d_exp <- density(ma_experimental)
plot(density(ma_control), xlab="Some fitness measure", 
                          ylim=c(0,0.8), main="Emperical density kernels")
lines(d_exp$x, d_exp$y, col='red')  

The functions in dfe take the difference in fitness between ancestral and mutation-accumulation lines and input. We can do that, and see the mean fitness of the MA lines is sligthly lower than that of the controls (as it makes calculation much mroe straight forward, we treat positive values as deleterious mutations):

w <- ma_experimental - mean(ma_control)

The Bateman-Mukai estimators

The classic Bateman-Mukai estimators are privded by the function BM() which takes the dchange in mean fitness ($\Delta M$) and the variance of the ancestral lines subjected to the same fitness assay ($V_e$) as inputs. Unfortunately, the low variane in the MA lines is going to make for a non-sensical estimate of the mutation rate ($U$) and effect size ($E[a]$):

BM(w, var(ma_control))

Negative mutations of very large effect... We'll see a sensible use of these estimators later.

The Keightley Gamma-Normal model

If you are familar with mlgenomeu there are couple of things to note about our implimentation of this model. First, we use a paramaterisation of the Gamma distribution with shape ($\alpha$) and rate ($\beta$) parmaters, meaning the mean fitness-effect of mutations ($E[a]$ in mlgenomu) is given by $\frac{\alpha}{\beta}$, and variance in fitness is $\frac{\alpha}{\beta^2}$. Second, we take the mean difference in fitness for the MA lines as input.

Starting values via the method of moments

In the documentation for mlgenomeu, you are told to set some specific starting values and fixed-values to start performing a profile likelihood search. We have dveloped a method of moments estimator to find good starting values, depending only on a suggestd mutation rate. For now we need to first explicitly calculate these starting values using mom_ma_gamma()

mom_ma_gamma(obs=w, Ut=0.5, Ve=var(ma_control))

Remember, the mean effect of mutations is $\frac{\alpha}{\beta}$, which, given our estimate isi $\frac{0.003}{0.046} \approx 0.0652$

Likelihood for a model

We can use these values to calculate the log liklihood of a specific distribution of fitness effects and mutation rate. The likelihood functions in dfe all start with dma_ which is short for density of a mutation accumulation model. To calculate the model we have to provide values for the shape and rate that specify the Gamma distribution, $Ve$ and $Ut$ the per-experiment mutation rate:

dma_gamma(obs=w, shape=0.003, rate=0.046, Ve=var(ma_control), Ut=0.5)

Fitting a model

The function fit_ma_gamma can perform a maximum liklihood search. This function wraps the R function stats4::mle, which in turn using the base R function optim to perform the search. We just need to provide a lists of fixed and starting values. Let's follow the mlgenomeu example and fix two paramaters (Ve and the shape) and estimate the rest:

fit <- fit_ma_gamma(obs=w, 
                    fixed=list(shape=0.003, Ve=var(ma_control)),
                    start=list(Ut=0.5, rate=0.046))

The function throws some warnings, which are the result of the very low number we end up estimating. Ignoring the warnings for now, we can see our ML estimates of the shape paramater and mutation rate are getitng close to zero. In fact, we can show that a model with zero mutations gives approximately as good a fit:

dma_gamma(obs=w, shape=0.003, rate=0.046, Ve=var(ma_control), Ut=0)   

This also gives us a change to confirm the density function is working as expected, since in the case of zero mutations the likelihood should be the same as that caclulated from a normal distribution with $mean = 0$ and $\sigma = Ve$:

log(prod(dnorm(w, mean=0, sd=sqrt(var(ma_control))))) 

dwinter/dfe documentation built on May 15, 2019, 6:21 p.m.