getBED: Calculate biologically effective dose (BED)

View source: R/getBED.R

getBEDR Documentation

Calculate biologically effective dose (BED)


Calculate biologically effective dose (BED) according to the linear-quadratic model.


getBED(D=NULL, fd=NULL, fn=NULL, ab=NULL)

## Default S3 method:
getBED(D=NULL, fd=NULL, fn=NULL, ab=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'DVHs'
getBED(D=NULL, fd=NULL, fn=NULL, ab=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'DVHLst'
getBED(D=NULL, fd=NULL, fn=NULL, ab=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'DVHLstLst'
getBED(D=NULL, fd=NULL, fn=NULL, ab=NULL)



Default: Total dose. If NULL, fn must be given. Alternative: One cumulative DVH (object of class DVHs, multiple cumulative DVHs from one patient with multiple structures (object of class DVHLst), or multiple cumulative DVHs from many patients, each with multiple structures (object of class DVHLstLst). See readDVH.


Fractional dose. If D is some kind of DVH object, only the first element will be used.


Number of fractions. If NULL, D must be the total dose. Ignored if D is some kind of DVH object.


alpha/beta ratio for the relevant tissue. If some kind of DVH object, only the first element will be used.


Default method: A data frame with variables BED, fractDose, ab.

If D is some kind of DVH object, the same kind of object is returned with the individual dose values converted to BED.


Fowler, J. F. (2010). 21 years of Biologically Effective Dose. British Journal of Radiology, 83, 554-568.

See Also

getEQD2, getIsoEffD


getBED(D=50, fd=2.5, ab=c(2, 3, 4))
getBED(D=dataMZ[[c(1, 1)]], fd=1.8, ab=3)

dwoll/DVHmetrics documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 3:22 a.m.