getIsoEffD: Isoeffective dose calculation

View source: R/getIsoEffD.R

getIsoEffDR Documentation

Isoeffective dose calculation


Convert given (fractional) dose into a corresponding (fractional) dose for a different total dose / fractionation schedule according to the linear-quadratic model.


getIsoEffD(D1=NULL, D2=NULL, fd1=NULL, fd2=NULL, ab=NULL)

## Default S3 method:
getIsoEffD(D1=NULL, D2=NULL, fd1=NULL, fd2=NULL, ab=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'DVHs'
getIsoEffD(D1=NULL, D2=NULL, fd1=NULL, fd2=NULL, ab=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'DVHLst'
getIsoEffD(D1=NULL, D2=NULL, fd1=NULL, fd2=NULL, ab=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'DVHLstLst'
getIsoEffD(D1=NULL, D2=NULL, fd1=NULL, fd2=NULL, ab=NULL)



Default: numeric vector. Total dose 1. Alternative: One cumulative DVH (object of class DVHs, multiple cumulative DVHs from one patient with multiple structures (object of class DVHLst), or multiple cumulative DVHs from many patients, each with multiple structures (object of class DVHLstLst). See readDVH.


numeric vector. Total dose 2. Ignored if D is some kind of DVH object.


numeric vector. Fractional dose 1. If D is some kind of DVH object, only the first element will be used.


numeric vector. Fractional dose 2. If D is some kind of DVH object, only the first element will be used.


numeric vector. alpha/beta ratio for the relevant tissue in the linear-quadatic model. If D is some kind of DVH object, only the first element will be used.


DVH methods: Calculate D2 based on D1, fd1, fd2, and ab. The default method can also calculate fd2 based on D1, D2, fd1, and ab.


The (vector of) corresponding (fractional) dose value(s). If D is some kind of DVH object, the same kind of object is returned with the individual dose values converted to D2.


IAEA, & ICRU. (2008). Relative biological effectiveness in ion-beam therapy (Tech. Rep. No. IAEA-TR 461). Vienna, Austria: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and ICRU (International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements).

See Also

getBED, getEQD2


# reference: 70Gy in 2Gy fractions
# new fractionation: 3Gy fractions
# calculate corresponding dose
(D2 <- getIsoEffD(D1=70, fd1=2, fd2=3, ab=c(3.5, 10)))

getIsoEffD(D1=dataMZ[[c(1, 1)]], fd1=1.8, fd2=2, ab=3.5)

dwoll/DVHmetrics documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 3:22 a.m.