readDataArcheryWC: Read data files from archery World Cup 2013

View source: R/readData.R

readDataArcheryWCR Documentation

Read data files from archery World Cup 2013


Reads in data from files based on results in the archery World Cup 2013. Several files can be read with one call.


readDataArcheryWC(fPath = ".", fNames, fPat, combine = TRUE)



a character string containing the path to the folder with the SIUS output files, e.g. 'c:/folder/siusFiles'.


a character vector containing the file names of the files that should be read in.


a character string containing the regular-expression that describes all names of files that should be read in. E.g., '^points[[:digit:]]{2}\\.txt$' for filenames 'points**.txt', where ** are 2 digits. See regex, glob2rx.


logical: combine the data into one big data frame with combineData?


If fNames is provided, fPat is ignored.

If neither fNames nor fPat is provided, and we are in interactive mode under Windows, files can be chosen interactively.


With combine=FALSE: a list of data frames, each from one file that was read in. This list can then be combined into one big data frame by combineData.


data frame containing data from the first file


data frame containing data from the second file


more data frames

With combine=TRUE: a combined data frame from combineData.

See Also

read.csv, regex, glob2rx, combineData, readDataOT1, readDataOT2, readDataSMT, readDataShotMarker, readDataMisc


## Not run: 
# folder with output files
fPath   <- 'c:/folder/archeryFiles'
fileNam <- c('pts01.txt', 'pts02.txt')    # desired files in that folder
DFgroup <- readDataArcheryWC(fPath, fNames=fileNam, combine=TRUE)

## alternatively, specify filename pattern for all files to be read in
fPath   <- 'c:/folder/archeryFiles'       # folder with data files
fPat    <- '^pts[[:digit:]]{2}\\.txt$'  # filename pattern
DFgroup <- readDataArcheryWC(fPath, fPat=pattern, combine=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

## result should look like this

dwoll/shotGroups documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 7:58 p.m.