Man pages for eamoncaddigan/flightpathr
Tools to Analyze Aircraft and Flight Path Data

angleDiffCalculate the signed difference between angles (in degrees) a trajectory to a data.frame
as.flightpathAttempt to coerce an object into an instance of 'flightpath'.
as.flighttrajectoryAttempt to coerce an object into an instance of...
coordsToBearingCalculate the bearing between successive longitude/latitude...
createPathCreate a flightpath object from coordinate info.
createTrajectoryCreate a flighttrajectory object from the flight info.
distanceFromPathCalculate the distance of a flight trajectory from a flight...
flightpathrflightpathr: Tools to analyze aircraft and flight path data.
get3dCoordsChecks for a 'flighttrajectory' or 'flightpath' object and...
helloHello, World!
identifyAltitudeChangesIdentify the timepoints in a trajectory that correspond to a...
identifyBearingChangesIdentify the timepoints in a trajectory that correspond to a...
identifyChangesHelper function for identifying changes based on change...
identifySpeedChangesIdentify the timepoints in a trajectory that correspond to a...
interpolateTrajectoryInterpolate a trajectory (in time)
is.flightpathCheck if an object is a 'flightpath'
is.flighttrajectoryCheck if an object is a flighttrajectory
maxDistanceFromPathFind the maximum distance of a flight trajectory from a...
parseCoordinatesParse funky lat/long representations.
eamoncaddigan/flightpathr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:26 p.m.