
export_table, table_width

  print(out, table_width = 50)
  # Comparison of Model Performance Indices

  Name   |  Model | Chi2(24) | p (Chi2)
  model1 | lavaan |   85.306 |   < .001
  model2 | lavaan |   85.306 |   < .001

  Name   | Baseline(36) | p (Baseline) |   GFI
  model1 |      918.852 |       < .001 | 0.943
  model2 |      918.852 |       < .001 | 0.943

  Name   |  AGFI |   NFI |  NNFI |   CFI | RMSEA
  model1 | 0.894 | 0.907 | 0.896 | 0.931 | 0.092
  model2 | 0.894 | 0.907 | 0.896 | 0.931 | 0.092

  Name   |    RMSEA  CI | p (RMSEA) |   RMR |  SRMR
  model1 | [0.07, 0.11] |    < .001 | 0.082 | 0.065
  model2 | [0.07, 0.11] |    < .001 | 0.082 | 0.065

  Name   |   RFI |  PNFI |   IFI |   RNI
  model1 | 0.861 | 0.605 | 0.931 | 0.931
  model2 | 0.861 | 0.605 | 0.931 | 0.931

  Name   | Loglikelihood |  AIC (weights)
  model1 |     -3737.745 | 7517.5 (0.500)
  model2 |     -3737.745 | 7517.5 (0.500)

  Name   |  BIC (weights) | BIC_adjusted
  model1 | 7595.3 (0.500) |     7528.739
  model2 | 7595.3 (0.500) |     7528.739
  print(tab, table_width = 80)
  Parameter                           |               lm1 |                  lm2
  (Intercept)                         | 5.01 (4.86, 5.15) |  3.68 ( 3.47,  3.89)
  Species [versicolor]                | 0.93 (0.73, 1.13) | -1.60 (-1.98, -1.22)
  Species [virginica]                 | 1.58 (1.38, 1.79) | -2.12 (-2.66, -1.58)
  Petal Length                        |                   |  0.90 ( 0.78,  1.03)
  Species [versicolor] × Petal Length |                   |                     
  Species [virginica] × Petal Length  |                   |                     
  Petal Width                         |                   |                     
  Observations                        |               150 |                  150

  Parameter                           |                  lm3
  (Intercept)                         |  4.21 ( 3.41,  5.02)
  Species [versicolor]                | -1.81 (-2.99, -0.62)
  Species [virginica]                 | -3.15 (-4.41, -1.90)
  Petal Length                        |  0.54 ( 0.00,  1.09)
  Species [versicolor] × Petal Length |  0.29 (-0.30,  0.87)
  Species [virginica] × Petal Length  |  0.45 (-0.12,  1.03)
  Petal Width                         |                     
  Observations                        |                  150

  Parameter                           |                  lm4
  (Intercept)                         |  4.21 ( 3.41,  5.02)
  Species [versicolor]                | -1.80 (-2.99, -0.62)
  Species [virginica]                 | -3.19 (-4.50, -1.88)
  Petal Length                        |  0.54 (-0.02,  1.09)
  Species [versicolor] × Petal Length |  0.28 (-0.30,  0.87)
  Species [virginica] × Petal Length  |  0.45 (-0.12,  1.03)
  Petal Width                         |  0.03 (-0.28,  0.34)
  Observations                        |                  150

  Parameter                           |                  lm5 |                  lm6
  (Intercept)                         |  4.21 ( 3.41,  5.02) |  4.21 ( 3.41,  5.02)
  Species [versicolor]                | -1.80 (-2.99, -0.62) | -1.80 (-2.99, -0.62)
  Species [virginica]                 | -3.19 (-4.50, -1.88) | -3.19 (-4.50, -1.88)
  Petal Length                        |  0.54 (-0.02,  1.09) |  0.54 (-0.02,  1.09)
  Species [versicolor] × Petal Length |  0.28 (-0.30,  0.87) |  0.28 (-0.30,  0.87)
  Species [virginica] × Petal Length  |  0.45 (-0.12,  1.03) |  0.45 (-0.12,  1.03)
  Petal Width                         |  0.03 (-0.28,  0.34) |  0.03 (-0.28,  0.34)
  Observations                        |                  150 |                  150

export_table, table_width, no split

  print(out, table_width = Inf)
  # Comparison of Model Performance Indices

  Name   |  Model | Chi2(24) | p (Chi2) | Baseline(36) | p (Baseline) |   GFI |  AGFI |   NFI |  NNFI |   CFI | RMSEA |    RMSEA  CI | p (RMSEA) |   RMR |  SRMR |   RFI |  PNFI |   IFI |   RNI | Loglikelihood |  AIC (weights) |  BIC (weights) | BIC_adjusted
  model1 | lavaan |   85.306 |   < .001 |      918.852 |       < .001 | 0.943 | 0.894 | 0.907 | 0.896 | 0.931 | 0.092 | [0.07, 0.11] |    < .001 | 0.082 | 0.065 | 0.861 | 0.605 | 0.931 | 0.931 |     -3737.745 | 7517.5 (0.500) | 7595.3 (0.500) |     7528.739
  model2 | lavaan |   85.306 |   < .001 |      918.852 |       < .001 | 0.943 | 0.894 | 0.907 | 0.896 | 0.931 | 0.092 | [0.07, 0.11] |    < .001 | 0.082 | 0.065 | 0.861 | 0.605 | 0.931 | 0.931 |     -3737.745 | 7517.5 (0.500) | 7595.3 (0.500) |     7528.739
  print(tab, table_width = NULL)
  Parameter                           |               lm1 |                  lm2 |                  lm3 |                  lm4 |                  lm5 |                  lm6
  (Intercept)                         | 5.01 (4.86, 5.15) |  3.68 ( 3.47,  3.89) |  4.21 ( 3.41,  5.02) |  4.21 ( 3.41,  5.02) |  4.21 ( 3.41,  5.02) |  4.21 ( 3.41,  5.02)
  Species [versicolor]                | 0.93 (0.73, 1.13) | -1.60 (-1.98, -1.22) | -1.81 (-2.99, -0.62) | -1.80 (-2.99, -0.62) | -1.80 (-2.99, -0.62) | -1.80 (-2.99, -0.62)
  Species [virginica]                 | 1.58 (1.38, 1.79) | -2.12 (-2.66, -1.58) | -3.15 (-4.41, -1.90) | -3.19 (-4.50, -1.88) | -3.19 (-4.50, -1.88) | -3.19 (-4.50, -1.88)
  Petal Length                        |                   |  0.90 ( 0.78,  1.03) |  0.54 ( 0.00,  1.09) |  0.54 (-0.02,  1.09) |  0.54 (-0.02,  1.09) |  0.54 (-0.02,  1.09)
  Species [versicolor] × Petal Length |                   |                      |  0.29 (-0.30,  0.87) |  0.28 (-0.30,  0.87) |  0.28 (-0.30,  0.87) |  0.28 (-0.30,  0.87)
  Species [virginica] × Petal Length  |                   |                      |  0.45 (-0.12,  1.03) |  0.45 (-0.12,  1.03) |  0.45 (-0.12,  1.03) |  0.45 (-0.12,  1.03)
  Petal Width                         |                   |                      |                      |  0.03 (-0.28,  0.34) |  0.03 (-0.28,  0.34) |  0.03 (-0.28,  0.34)
  Observations                        |               150 |                  150 |                  150 |                  150 |                  150 |                  150

easystats/insight documentation built on Dec. 14, 2024, 12:34 p.m.