
Defines functions p_value_betwithin

Documented in p_value_betwithin

#' @title Between-within approximation for SEs, CIs and p-values
#' @name p_value_betwithin
#' @description Approximation of degrees of freedom based on a "between-within" heuristic.
#' @param model A mixed model.
#' @param dof Degrees of Freedom.
#' @inheritParams ci.default
#' @details
#' ## Small Sample Cluster corrected Degrees of Freedom
#' Inferential statistics (like p-values, confidence intervals and
#' standard errors) may be biased in mixed models when the number of clusters
#' is small (even if the sample size of level-1 units is high). In such cases
#' it is recommended to approximate a more accurate number of degrees of freedom
#' for such inferential statistics (see _Li and Redden 2015_). The
#' *Between-within* denominator degrees of freedom approximation is
#' recommended in particular for (generalized) linear mixed models with repeated
#' measurements (longitudinal design). `dof_betwithin()` implements a heuristic
#' based on the between-within approach. **Note** that this implementation
#' does not return exactly the same results as shown in _Li and Redden 2015_,
#' but similar.
#' ## Degrees of Freedom for Longitudinal Designs (Repeated Measures)
#' In particular for repeated measure designs (longitudinal data analysis),
#' the *between-within* heuristic is likely to be more accurate than simply
#' using the residual or infinite degrees of freedom, because `dof_betwithin()`
#' returns different degrees of freedom for within-cluster and between-cluster
#' effects.
#' @seealso `dof_betwithin()` is a small helper-function to calculate approximated
#' degrees of freedom of model parameters, based on the "between-within" heuristic.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (require("lme4")) {
#'   data(sleepstudy)
#'   model <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)
#'   dof_betwithin(model)
#'   p_value_betwithin(model)
#' }
#' }
#' @return A data frame.
#' @references
#' - Elff, M.; Heisig, J.P.; Schaeffer, M.; Shikano, S. (2019). Multilevel
#'   Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-based Methods to Provide
#'   Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference, British Journal of Political Science.
#' - Li, P., Redden, D. T. (2015). Comparing denominator degrees of freedom
#'   approximations for the generalized linear mixed model in analyzing binary
#'   outcome in small sample cluster-randomized trials. BMC Medical Research
#'   Methodology, 15(1), 38. \doi{10.1186/s12874-015-0026-x}
#' @export
p_value_betwithin <- function(model, dof = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(dof)) {
    dof <- dof_betwithin(model)
  .p_value_dof(model, dof, method = "betwithin", ...)
easystats/parameters documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 7:52 p.m.