
context("Testing that top level API runs the right functions")


test_that("augsynth runs single_synth when there is a single treated unit", {

  basque <- basque %>% mutate(trt = case_when(year < 1975 ~ 0,
                                              regionno != 17 ~0,
                                              regionno == 17 ~ 1)) %>%
      filter(regionno != 1)

  syn <- augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque,
                  progfunc = "None", scm = T, t_int = 1975)

  syn_single <- single_augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque,
                                progfunc = "None", scm = T, t_int = 1975)

  expect_equal(syn$weights, syn_single$weights)

test_that("augsynth finds the treated time when is a single treated unit", {

  basque <- basque %>% mutate(trt = case_when(year < 1975 ~ 0,
                                              regionno != 17 ~0,
                                              regionno == 17 ~ 1)) %>%
      filter(regionno != 1)

  syn <- augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque,
                  progfunc = "None", scm = T, t_int = 1975)

  syn2 <- augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque,
                  progfunc = "None", scm = T)

  expect_equal(syn$weights, syn2$weights, tolerance = 1e-6)

  # should work with out of order time as well
  syn_rev <- augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year,
                      basque %>% arrange(desc(year)),
                      progfunc = "None", scm = T)
  expect_equal(syn$weights, syn_rev$weights)
  expect_equal(predict(syn), predict(syn_rev))

test_that("augsynth runs single_synth when there is simultaneous adoption", {

  basque <- basque %>% mutate(trt = case_when(year < 1975 ~ 0,
                                              !regionno %in% c(16, 17) ~0,
                                              regionno %in% c(16, 17) ~ 1)) %>%
      filter(regionno != 1)

  syn <- augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque,
                  progfunc = "None", scm = T, t_int = 1975)

  syn_single <- single_augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque,
                                progfunc = "None", scm = T, t_int = 1975)

  expect_equal(syn$weights, syn_single$weights)

test_that("augsynth runs multisynth when there is staggered adoption", {

  basque <- basque %>% mutate(trt = case_when((regionno == 17) & (year == 1975) ~ 1,
                                              (regionno == 16) & (year == 1980) ~ 1,
                                              TRUE ~ 0)) %>%
      filter(regionno != 1)

  syn <- augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, scm = T)

  syn_multi <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque)

  expect_equal(syn$weights, syn_multi$weights,  tolerance = 1e-5)

test_that("augsynth with a single treated unit doesn't depend on unit order", {


  syn <- augsynth(lngdpcapita ~ treated | log(revstatecapita), abb,
                  year_qtr, kansas, progfunc = "None", scm = T)

  syn2 <- augsynth(lngdpcapita ~ treated | log(revstatecapita), fips, year_qtr,
                   kansas %>% arrange(desc(fips)), progfunc = "None", scm = T)

  expect_equal(predict(syn), predict(syn2))

  asyn <- augsynth(lngdpcapita ~ treated | log(revstatecapita), fips,
                  year_qtr, kansas, progfunc = "ridge", scm = T)

  asyn2 <- augsynth(lngdpcapita ~ treated | log(revstatecapita), fips, year_qtr,
                   kansas %>% arrange(desc(fips)), progfunc = "ridge", scm = T)

  expect_equal(c(asyn$weights), c(asyn2$weights))
  expect_equal(predict(asyn), predict(asyn2))


test_that("augsynth runs single_synth with progfunc = 'ridge' when there is a single treated unit and no progfunc is specified", {

  basque <- basque %>% mutate(trt = case_when(year < 1975 ~ 0,
                                              regionno != 17 ~0,
                                              regionno == 17 ~ 1)) %>%
      filter(regionno != 1)

  syn <- augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, scm = T)

  syn_single <- single_augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque,
                                progfunc = "ridge", scm = T, t_int = 1975)

  expect_equal(syn$weights, syn_single$weights)
ebenmichael/augsynth documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:20 a.m.