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Compiling and viewing the bookdown book

Note: A copy of the bookdown BioCro developer's manual is automatically generated on BioCro's GitHub documentation site at and may be viewed by clicking on the Developer's Manual menu-bar link found there. What follows, therefore, will mostly be of interest to developers working on revising the documentation who want to check the results of their revisions.

To generate the bookdown BioCro developer's manual, do as follows:

  1. Install Pandoc, if it is not already on your system. See for instructions. (Note to RStudio users: As mentioned in the R Markdown Cookbook (, RStudio comes with its own copy of Pandoc, so you may be able to get by without installing it separately.)

  2. Install the R bookdown package, if it hasn't been installed already. These instructions are written for bookdown version 0.22 or greater but may work for other versions.

  3. In the bookdown directory of your BioCro source tree, run sh Rscript -e "bookdown::render_book()"

Note: If you wish to run render_book from other than the bookdown directory, you may pass a path argument:

Rscript -e "bookdown::render_book(<path>)

Here, <path> denotes the path from the current directory to the bookdown directory.

This only works in bookdown versions 0.22 and later! With earlier versions, you can make use of the xfun::in_dir function:

xfun::in_dir('<path>', bookdown::render_book())

Again, <path> here denotes the path from the current directory to the bookdown directory.

Note: Because some sections of the book are contained in their own files rather than being in a larger file comprising a complete chapter, render_book will issue a warning such as the following, which may be safely ignored:

"In split_chapters(output, gitbook_page, number_sections, split_by, :

You have 13 Rmd input file(s) but only 7 first-level heading(s). Did you forget first-level headings in certain Rmd files?"

  1. In a Web browser, open bookdown/_book/index.html.

ebimodeling/biocro documentation built on May 3, 2024, 7:52 p.m.