Man pages for ebmtnprof/rties
Modeling Interpersonal Dynamics

actorPartnerDataCrossTakes individual cross-sectional data from dyads and turns it...
actorPartnerDataTimeTakes individual repeated measures data from dyads and turns...
autoCorPlotsProduces auto-correlation plots of the observed state...
cloCoupledOdeProvides the equation for a coupled oscillator model for the...
cloPlotTrajPlots the bivariate state variable's clo model-predicted...
cloResidsProduces histograms of the residuals from the oscillator...
cloUncoupledOdeProvides the equation for an un-coupled oscillator model for...
crossCorPlotsProduces cross-correlation plots of the observed state...
dataPrepReformat a user-provided dataframe in a generic form...
dyadByContextCreates variables indicating dyad by context membership...
dyadicProduces plots for sysVarIn when sysVar is dyadic.
estDerivsEstimates first and second derivatives of an oberved state...
histAllHistograms for all numeric variables in a dataframe.
indiv2profilesCatProduces plots for sysVarIn when sysVar is categorical and...
indiv2profilesContProduces plots for sysVarIn when sysVar is continuous and...
indiv3profilesCatProduces plots for sysVarIn when sysVar is categorical and...
indiv3profilesContProduces plots for sysVarIn when sysVar is continuous and...
indiv4profilesCatProduces plots for sysVarIn when sysVar is categorical and...
indiv4profilesContProduces plots for sysVarIn when sysVar is continuous and...
indivCloEstimates either an uncoupled or coupled oscillator model for...
indivCloCompareCompares model fit for the uncoupled and coupled oscillator...
indivCloPlotsProduces plots of either an uncoupled or coupled oscillator...
indivInertCoordEstimates versions of the inertia-coordination model for each...
indivInertCoordCompareCompares model fit for the inertia-only, coordination-only...
indivInertCoordPlotsProduces plots of the inertia-coordination model-predicted...
inertCoordPlotTrajPlots the bivariate state variables' model-predicted temporal...
inertCoordResidsProduces histograms of the residuals from the...
inspectProfilesProvides information to help decide how many profiles to use...
makeBiVarDataTakes typical long-format time-nested-in-person data, and...
makeCrossCorBiVarTakes typical time-series wide-format data (e.g., multiple...
makeCrossCorDyadicCalculates cross-correlations for a variable that is nested...
makeDistCreate a distinguishing variable (called "dist") for...
makeFullDataCombines profile membership data from the latent profile...
Max_Min_CCF_SignedA helper function for makeCrossCorr
plotDataByProfilePlots of de-trended observed variable over time, with dyads...
plotRawPlots of observed variable over time by dyad.
removeDyadsRemove data for specified dyads from a dataframe
rties_ExampleData_DemoData for demonstrating rties models.
rties_ExampleDataFullData for examples in the vignettes.
rties_ExampleDataShortData for the function examples.
signAbsMaxCCA helper function for makeCrossCorBiVar
smoothDataSmooth one column of a dataframe that has time nested in...
sysVarInProvides results for predicting couples' latent profile...
sysVarInPlotsProduces plots for interpreting the results from sysVarIn.
sysVarInResultsProduces results from sysVarIn.
sysVarOutProvides results for predicting the system variable from the...
sysVarOutPlotsProduces plots for interpreting the results from sysVarIn.
sysVarOutResultsProduces results from sysVarOut.
ebmtnprof/rties documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 7:47 p.m.