indivCloCompare: Compares model fit for the uncoupled and coupled oscillator...

View source: R/clo.R

indivCloCompareR Documentation

Compares model fit for the uncoupled and coupled oscillator for each dyad's state trajectories using an R-square comparison.


Fits an uncoupled and coupled oscillator model to each dyad's observed state variables and returns the adjusted R-squares, along with the difference between them (coupled - uncoupled, so positive values indicate better fit for the more complex model).





A dataframe that was produced with the "estDerivs" function. #' @examples data <- rties_ExampleDataShort newData <- dataPrep(basedata=data, dyadId="couple", personId="person", obs_name="dial", dist_name="female", time_name="time") taus <-c(2,3) embeds <- c(3,4) delta <- 1 derivs <- estDerivs(prepData=newData, taus=taus, embeds=embeds, delta=delta, idConvention=500) compare <- indivCloCompare(derivData=derivs$data) summary(compare$R2couple)


The function returns a named list including: 1) the adjusted R^2 for the uncoupled model for each dyad (called "R2uncouple"), 2) the adjusted R^2 for the coupled model for each dyad (called "R2couple"), and 3) the difference between the R-squares for each dyad (coupled - uncoupled, called "R2dif").

ebmtnprof/rties documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 7:47 p.m.