
#' Rank Edges
#' A function that ranks all the entries in each graph.
#' @param graphs [[n]][nroi, nroi] the graphs to rank.
#' @param normalize=FALSE : a boolean indicating whether to normalize so the rank for a graph has values betweeen 0 and 1.
#' @return rgraphs [[n]][nroi, nroi] the ranked graphs.
#' @author Eric Bridgeford
#' @export
discr.rank_edges <- function(graphs, normalize=FALSE) {
  rgraphs <- sapply(graphs, function(g) {
    d <- dim(g)  # the dimensions of the graph
    # use the stats ranking function
    rg <- array(rank(g, ties.method="average"), c(d[1], d[2]))
    if (normalize) {
      # normalize values to fall btwn 0 and 1
      rg <- ( rg - min(rg) ) / (max(rg) - min(rg))
  }, simplify=FALSE)
ebridge2/Discriminability documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:48 p.m.