ruler-report: Tidy data validation report

ruler-reportR Documentation

Tidy data validation report


A tibble representing the data validation result of certain data units in tidy way:

  • pack ⁠<chr>⁠ : Name of rule pack from column 'name' of corresponding packs_info object.

  • rule ⁠<chr>⁠ : Name of the rule defined in rule pack.

  • var ⁠<chr>⁠ : Name of the variable which validation result is reported. Value '.all' is reserved and interpreted as 'all columns as a whole'. Note that var doesn't always represent the actual column in data frame (see group packs).

  • id ⁠<int>⁠ : Index of the row in tested data frame which validation result is reported. Value 0 is reserved and interpreted as 'all rows as a whole'.

  • value ⁠<lgl>⁠ : Whether the described data unit obeys the rule.


is_report(.x, .skip_class = FALSE)




Object to test.


Whether to skip checking inheritance from ruler_report.


Object to get report value from exposure attribute.


There are four basic combinations of var and id values which define five basic data units:

  • var == '.all' and id == 0: Data as a whole.

  • var != '.all' and id == 0: Group (var shouldn't be an actual column name) or column (var should be an actual column name) as a whole.

  • var == '.all' and id != 0: Row as a whole.

  • var != '.all' and id != 0: Described cell.


get_report() returns report element of object if it is exposure and of its 'exposure' attribute otherwise.


my_row_packs <- row_packs(
  row_mean_props = . %>% dplyr::transmute(row_mean = rowMeans(.)) %>%
      row_mean_low = row_mean > 20,
      row_mean_high = row_mean < 60
  row_outlier = . %>% dplyr::transmute(row_sum = rowSums(.)) %>%
      not_row_outlier = abs(row_sum - mean(row_sum)) / sd(row_sum) < 1.5
my_data_packs <- data_packs(
  data_dims = . %>% dplyr::summarise(
    nrow = nrow(.) == 32,
    ncol = ncol(.) == 5

mtcars_exposed <- mtcars %>%
  expose(my_data_packs, .remove_obeyers = FALSE) %>%

mtcars_exposed %>% get_report()

mtcars_exposed %>%
  get_report() %>%

echasnovski/ruler documentation built on April 3, 2023, 4:17 p.m.