
HPAI Models

Estimation of the basic reproductive number (R~0~) for epidemic, highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N1 spread [@WARD_2008]

This paper uses data from 110 outbreaks of HPAI H5N1 in village poultry in Romania in May/June 2006. Using GIS-based nearest-neighbor counting, epidemic doubling time, and an SI model, the authors obtained estimates of R~0~ at the village level.

Assessing the Potential Impact of Avian Influenza on Poultry in West Africa: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis [@You_2007]

This paper uses a spatial equilibrium model to quantify the economic losses that would result from avian influenza outbreaks in West Africa, specifically modeling Nigeria in detail. In the most serious outbreak scenario, where avian influenza is spread widely along two migratory bird pathways in Nigeria and there is local transmission of the disease, the model predicts that the country's chicken production would fall by 21.1% at a cost of around $250 million USD in lost revenue.

Modeling highly pathogenic avian influenza transmission in wild birds and poultry in West Bengal, India [@Pandit_2013]

The authors of this paper used a stochastic continuous time model to simulate introduction of H5N1 to poultry communities in West Bengal, India. Additionally, they performed a spatial cluster analysis of outbreaks, calculated R~0~ using three methods, and performed a logistic regression to identify significant predictors of H5N1 outbreaks.

Conceptual Framework for Avian Influenza Risk Assessment in Africa: The Case of Ethiopia [@Goutard_2007]

This paper primarily deals with a Risk Assessment model for HPAI in Ethiopia (using atRISK software). The authors specifically target two lakes: (Ziway and Awassa) to be the centerpiece of their analysis, and use SEIR modeling to evaluate the consequences of possible outbreaks in poultry

Mapping the Likelihood of Introduction and Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 in Africa, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Nigeria using Multicriteria Decision Modeling [@greycite54493]

This analysis creates disease maps using multicriteria decision modelling (MCDM) to identify regions where the relative likelihood of introduction and spread of HPAI H5N1 is high.

Summary - In Progress

Most compartmental models operate on the village- or flock-level; I have been unable to find poultry - poultry compartmental modeling. The predominant form of analysis in this area of research seems to be spatial at this time.


ecohealthalliance/metaflu documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:56 p.m.