
Defines functions extractmonths

Documented in extractmonths

#' Extracts the rows of a matrix corresponding to requested months of a year given the  date (origin) of the first row 
#' @author  Emanuele Cordano, Emanuele Eccel
#' @param data an input data matrix where each row corresponds to a daily record
#' @param when character vactor of months for which the data are required. 
#' It must be a subset of \code{c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")}
#' @param origin date corresponding to the first row of \code{data}
#' @param year year(s) when data must be extracted 
#' @param ndim_max maximum (integer) number of rows in \code{data} where to find \code{when}. 
#' Default is 100000 and works if \code{data} is missing.
#' @export    
#' @return   a matrix containing the requested rows
#' @note It uses \code{\link{months}} and  \code{\link{julian}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{extractdays}}
#' @examples 
#' extractmonths()
#' data(trentino)
#' dates <- sprintf("%02d-%02d-%02d",TEMPERATURE_MAX$year,TEMPERATURE_MAX$month,TEMPERATURE_MAX$day)
#' origin <- dates[1]
#' out <- extractmonths(data=TEMPERATURE_MAX,origin=origin)

extractmonths <-
	out <- NULL
	if (any(class(data)=="matrix") | any(class(data)=="data.frame")) {
			start <- as.integer(julian(as.POSIXct(origin,tz="GMT")))
			years <- years(as.chron(as.POSIXct(origin,tz="GMT")+1:ndata-1))
			if (is.null(year)) {
				out <- (data[which(months_f(1:ndata+start-1,abbreviate=TRUE) %in% when) ,])
			} else {
				out <- (data[which((months_f(1:ndata+start-1,abbreviate=TRUE) %in% when) & (years %in% year)) ,])
	} else {
			start <- as.integer(julian(as.POSIXct(origin),tz="GMT"))
			if (is.null(year)) {
				out <-  (data[which(months_f(1:ndata+start-1,abbreviate=TRUE) %in% when) ])
			} else {
				out <- (data[which((months_f(1:ndata+start-1,abbreviate=TRUE) %in% when) & (year %in% years)) ])
ecor/RMAWGEN documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 3:27 a.m.