
#!/usr/bin/env -S r -t
##  Call 'rcmdcheck' on a package
##  Copyright (C) 2016 - 2024  Dirk Eddelbuettel
##  Released under GPL (>= 2)

## load docopt package from CRAN

## configuration for docopt
doc <- "Usage: rcc.r [-h] [-x] [-c] [-f] [-q] [-v] [--args ARGS] [--libpath LIBP] [--repos REPO] [--erroron ERRON] [PATH...]

-c --as-cran          should '--as-cran' be added to ARGS [default: FALSE]
-a --args ARGS        additional arguments to be passed to 'R CMD CHECK' [default: ]
-l --libpath LIBP     additional library path to be used by 'R CMD CHECK' [default: ]
-r --repos REPO       additional repositories to be used by 'R CMD CHECK' [default: ]
-f --fast             should vignettes and manuals be skipped [default: FALSE]
-v --valgrind         should tests run with 'valgrind' debug tool [default: FALSE]
-e --erroron ERRON    whether to throw an error on failure [default: never]
-q --quiet            should 'rcmdcheck' be called quietly [default: FALSE]
-h --help             show this help text
-x --usage            show help and short example usage"

opt <- docopt(doc)          # docopt parsing

if (opt$usage) {
    cat(doc, "\n\n")
  rcc.r                        # check repo in current (working) director
  rcc.r -c                     # run as R CMD check --as-crn

rcc.r is part of littler which brings 'r' to the command-line.
See for more information.\n")

erroron <- switch(opt$erroron,
                  never   = "never",
                  error   = "error",
                  warning = "warning",
                  note    = "note",
if (erroron=="badarg")
    stop("Inadmissable argument for '--erroron' option.", call.=FALSE)

if (is.null(opt$args)) {         # special treatment for --args and -c
    if (opt$as_cran) {
        opt$args <- "--as-cran"
    } else {
        opt$args <- character()
} else {
    if (opt$as_cran) {
        opt$args <- c(opt$args, "--as-cran")
if (opt$fast) {
    opt$args <- c(opt$args, "--ignore-vignettes", "--no-manual")
if (opt$valgrind) {
    opt$args <- c(opt$args, "--use-valgrind")

if (length(opt$PATH) == 0) opt$PATH <- "."      # default argument current directory
if (is.null(opt$libpath)) opt$libpath <- .libPaths()    # default library pathr
if (is.null(opt$repos)) opt$repos <- getOption("repos") # default repos

if (requireNamespace("rcmdcheck", quietly=TRUE) == FALSE)
    stop("This command requires the 'rcmdcheck' package.", call. = FALSE)


Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_TESTS_NLINES_"="0")        # ensure all errors shown

rccwrapper <- function(pa, qu, ar, li, re, eo) {
    rcmdcheck(path=pa, quiet=qu, args=ar, libpath=li, repos=re, error_on=eo)

rc <- sapply(opt$PATH,                  # iterate over arguments
             rccwrapper,                # calling 'rcmdcheck()' with arguments
             opt$quiet,                 # quiet argument, default false
             opt$args,                  # args arguments, possibly with --as-cran
             opt$libpath,               # libpath argument
             opt$repos,                 # repos argument
             erroron,                   # error_on argument
status <- max(sapply(rc, "[[", "status"))
eddelbuettel/littler documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 10:15 p.m.