Man pages for edpclau/circadian-dynamics
Period and Rythm Analysis of Timeseries Data

acf_windowAuto Correlation with a moving window
analyze_timeseries.acfAuto Correlation with a moving window
analyze_timeseries.cosinorCosinor Analysis
analyze_timeseries.grangertestApply the Granger Causality test on both directions
analyze_timeseries.lombLomb Scargle Periodogram by window
arbitrary_noise_subtractionSubtract Arbitrarily Chosen Noise Level from the Data
average_of_groupCreate a timeseries mean based on all the samples in the data
bind_processedBind Rows of Processed and Analyzed data
butterworth_filterButterworth Filter Helper
butterworth_filter_2Butterworth Filter Helper
cosinor_lmCosinor Analysis
crop_dataCrop data to specific dates
data_exportFormat Data for Export
define_eventDefine an Event for the USDA RFID data
detailed_plotsGenerate Detailed Plots (Utility function)
downsample_time_seriesDownsample a timeseries with a datetime object
downsample_time_series_2Downsample a timeseries with a datetime object
export_allExport plots and data outputed by the package
export_dataExport data
export_plotsDraw and Export plots from the analysis
export_plots_multivariateExport plots
find_gapsFill Gaps in the data
generate_plots_no_windowsFunction to Generate Plots of the Analyzed Data Must be used...
generate_plots_with_windowsFunction to Generate Plots of the Analyzed Data Must be used...
lsp_by_windowLomb Scargle Periodogram by window
lsp_modLomb-Scargle Periodogram
lsp_peaksFind peaks in an lsp object
make_time_windowsCreate iterable time windows
make_time_windows_2Create iterable time windows
multivariate_process_timeseriesHelper function to prepare raw data for analysis
multivariate_rythm_analysisHelper function to analyze the period of a time series
overplot_actogramExport/Plot Actogram with Temperature
plot_acf_resultsPlot Raw Values
plot_actogramExport/Plot Actogram
plot_actogram2Plot Actograms
plot_actogram_windowsPlot Window Actogram
plot_autocorrelationPlot the Autocorrelation by windows
plot_lsp_resultsPlot Lomb-Scargle Results
plot_phasePhase plots for all individuals
plot_raw_valuesPlot Raw Values
plot_summarized_dataPlot a sumarrized version of the Rythm data found by...
plot_window_dataUtility Function for Plotting Detaiiled data in Windows
plot_window_data_appUtility Function for Plotting Detaiiled data in Windows for...
process_timeseriesHelper function to prepare raw data for analysis
process_timeseries.rmv_gapsHelper function to prepare raw data for analysis
read_clocklabImport data from Clocklab
read_csv_dataImport data from a Trikinetics tsv
read_satelliteImport Weather data From satellite
read_trikineticsImport data from a Trikinetics tsv
read_trikinetics_2Import data from a Trikinetics tsv
read_vitalpatchRead a Folder of Vital Patch Data
rescaleRescale the data from 0 to 1.
rm_inactiveRemove Inactive Individuals
rm_inactive_datesManaging Inactive Variables
rythm_analysis_by_windowHelper function to analyze the period of a time series
rythm_analysis_by_window_2Helper function to analyze the period of a time series
shiny_plot_window_dataUtility Function for Plotting Detaiiled data by Window in the...
simplify_dataSimplify Data
smooth_and_detrendSmooth and/or Detrend Data by Windows
smooth_detrend_by_windowsSmooth and/or Detrend Data by Windows
edpclau/circadian-dynamics documentation built on July 1, 2024, 2:33 a.m.