Man pages for edvanburen/twosigma
DE Analysis for Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data

adhoc.twosigmaadhoc.twosigma: Perform the ad hoc method described in...
lr.twosigmaConvenient wrapper function for performing joint likelihood...
lr.twosigma_customConvenient wrapper function for performing joint likelihood...
simulate_zero_inflated_nb_random_effect_dataSimulated zero-inflated negative binomial data with random... wrapper function for performing (joint) likelihood...
twosigmaFit the TWO-SIGMA Model.
twosigma_customFit the TWO-SIGMA model with custom user-specified model...
twosigmagGene set testing for single-cell RNA-sequencing data...
edvanburen/twosigma documentation built on July 3, 2023, 3:39 p.m.