Man pages for edwardlavender/Tools4ETS
Tools for Ecological Time Series

acf_in_white_noiseCompute confidence intervals around an autocorrelation...
add_unit_idAdd unique unit IDs to time series
assemble_tsSimulate a time series
average_tsSummarise a time series in bins
barplot_ts_sexCreate a barplot of the number of individuals of each sex in...
break_tsBreak a time series and introduce gaps
check...Check that arguments supplied via ... are allowed
check_namesCheck the names of an object contain required names
check_valueCheck the input value to a parent function argument
cum_datesThe total number of events through time (in days)
dat_flapperA sample of flapper skate depth and temperature time series
define_photoperiodDefine the photoperiod for a sequence of time stamps
define_recaptureIdentify and describe recapture events from depth time series...
differenceCalculate the difference between two numbers or times
estimate_AR1Estimate the AR1 parameter from the autocorrelation function...
estimate_AR1_with_kExplore the effects of basis dimension on the residual...
flag_tsFlag independent segments of a time series
gams4dts_bam_modelEvaluate an 'bam' model for 'GAMS4DTS'
gams4dts_define_bam_formulaDefine an 'bam' formula in 'GAMS4DTS'
gams4dts_thin_ts'GAMS4DTS' Thinning Methods
hour_dblCompute the time of day, in hours, as a double
hour_nearestCompute the nearest integer hour of day at supplied times
linearA linear function
list_mergeMerge lists accounting for empty lists
match_ts_nearestFind the position in one vector that is nearest in time to a...
match_ts_nearest_by_keyMatch time series by key and time
mmyyDefine month-year categories from time series
pair_tsPair time series
parameterise_contrast_2lDefine and visualise a contrast between two factor levels
parameterise_smoothParameterise smooth functions and compare simulated and...
quadraticA quadratic function
serial_differenceCalculate the difference between sequential observations
sigma_arimaCompute the standard deviation of the stochastic part of an...
sigmoidA sigmoidal function
sim_sinusoidSimulate and visualise sinusoidal waves with different...
sim_tsSimulate the values of a response variable
simulate_posterior_muSimulate from the posterior distribution of an mgcv...
simulate_posterior_obsSimulate 'observed' values and prediction uncertainty from a...
suggest_recaptureExplore putative, unrecorded recapture events within depth...
summarise_posteriorSummarise a posterior distribution matrix
thin_tsThin a time series by selecting every nth observation
thin_ts_iterDetermine the amount of thinning required to reduce...
Tools4ETSTools4ETS: Tools for Ecological Time Series.
yday2dateConvert a Julian day to a date/month/season
yday_dblCompute the fraction of the year (days)
edwardlavender/Tools4ETS documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 7:41 a.m.