estimate_AR1_with_k: Explore the effects of basis dimension on the residual...

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estimate_AR1_with_kR Documentation

Explore the effects of basis dimension on the residual autocorrelation in a GAM


For a generalised additive model of a response as a smooth function of some variable (e.g., time), this function evaluates how the residual autocorrelation changes with the basis dimension. Specifically, for each basis dimension in a sequence of basis dimensions, a user-defined model is evaluated and the autoregressive order 1 (AR1) parameter is calculated from the model. For large vectors or basis dimensions, models can be evaluated in parallel. The function then returns a list of models and a dataframe/plot which shows the relationship between the AR1 parameter and the basis dimension.


  ks = c(5, 10, 15),
  cl = NULL,
  varlist = NULL,
  plot = TRUE,



A function used to evaluate a gam model of a given basis dimension. The function should take a single argument, the basis dimension, and return an evaluated model.


A numeric vector of basis dimensions. The model is evaluated for each element in this vector.


A function which calculates the AR1 parameter from a model. The only input to this function should be the model returned by the evaluation of mod.


A cluster object created by makeCluster. This is required if you want to fit models in parallel.


A character vector containing the names of exported objects. This may be required if cl is supplied. This is passed to the varlist argument of clusterExport. Exported objects must be located in the global environment.


A logical input which defines whether or not to produce a plot of the basis dimension against the AR1 parameter values.


Additional arguments passed to pretty_plot to customise the plot.


The function returns a list with two elements: 'list_by_model' and 'dat'. 'list_by_model' is a list with two elements for each model: 'model', the evaluated model; and 'ar1', the estimated AR1 parameter. 'dat' is a dataframe which includes each basis dimension ('k') and the corresponding AR1 value ('ar1'). The function also returns a plot of the basis dimension against the AR1 parameter if plot = TRUE.


Edward Lavender


#### Define example data
# For an example individual flapper skate, we will model depth ~ s(timestamp)
# For speed, we'll focus on a sample of available data
dat <- dat_flapper[dat_flapper$id == "A", ]
dat$timestamp <- as.numeric(dat$timestamp)
dat <- dat[1:500, ]

#### Define wrapper functions
eval_mod <- function(k) mgcv::gam(depth ~ s(timestamp, k = k), data = dat)
eval_AR1 <- function(mod) Tools4ETS::estimate_AR1(stats::resid(mod))

#### Example (1) Implement approach using default options
ls <- estimate_AR1_with_k(mod = eval_mod,
                         ks = c(5, 10),
                         est_AR1 = eval_AR1)
# The function returns a list that includes all fitted models and some output data
# In the list of outputs for each model, each element contains the model and the estimated ar1:
# ar1 values can be extracted as follows:
sapply(ls$list_by_model, function(elm) elm$ar1)
# The dat element provides a dataframe with knots and ar1 values:

#### Example (2): Customise the plot
ls <- estimate_AR1_with_k(mod = eval_mod,
                         ks = c(5, 10),
                         est_AR1 = eval_AR1,
                         type = "b",
                         xlab = "basis dimension",
                         ylab = "AR1")

#### Example (3): Implement model fitting in parallel
ls <- estimate_AR1_with_k(mod = eval_mod,
                         ks = c(5, 10),
                         est_AR1 = eval_AR1,
                         type = "b",
                         xlab = "basis dimension",
                         ylab = "AR1",
                         cl = parallel::makeCluster(2L),
                         varlist = c("eval_mod", "dat", "eval_AR1"))
sapply(ls$list_by_model, function(elm) elm$ar1)

#### Examine ACF plots for each model
pp <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
acfs <-
  lapply(ls$list_by_model, function(mod_ls)

#### Visualise predictions for each model
pp <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
preds <-
  pbapply::pblapply(ls$list_by_model, function(mod_ls){
    mod <- mod_ls$model
    prettyGraphics::pretty_plot(dat$timestamp, dat$depth*-1,
                                xlab = "Time",
                                ylab = "Depth (m)",
                                lwd = 4,
                                type = "l")
    pred <- mgcv::predict.gam(mod)*-1
    lines(dat$timestamp, pred, col = "red")

edwardlavender/Tools4ETS documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 7:41 a.m.