Man pages for eead-csic-eesa/fingerPro
Sediment Source Fingerprinting

boxPlotBox and whiskers plot
catchmentLand use and fingerprinting properties in a Mediterranean...
CI_MethodConservativeness Index (CI)
correlationPlotCorrelation matrix chart
cr_3sCR values of each sediment mixture for three sources
cr_4sCR values of each sediment mixture for four sources
cts_3sCTS method for 3 sources
cts_4sCTS method for 4 sources
DFATestDiscriminant function analysis test
fingerProSediment Source Fingerprinting
fingerPro-packageSediment Source Fingerprinting
ggbiplotBiplot for Principal Components using ggplot2
inputSampleInput sediment mixtures
inputSourceInput sediment sources
KWTestKruskal-Wallis rank sum test
LDAPlotLinear discriminat analysis chart
LDAPlot_textLinear discriminat analysis chart
least_squaresleast square unmixing
pairsPairs function
PCAPlotPrincipal component analysis chart
plotResultsDisplays the results in the screen
rangeTestRange test
Ternary_diagramTernary diagrams with the CI function results
tripletstriplets function
unmixUnmix sediment mixtures
unmix_stringUnmix sediment mixtures
writeResultsSave the results
eead-csic-eesa/fingerPro documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 3:09 a.m.