
name: New Release about: Steps for a new MARSS release to CRAN title: '' labels: '' assignees: eeholmes

Preliminary work before the final is ready.

devtools::check(document = FALSE, vignettes=FALSE)
devtools::run_examples(pkg="~/Documents/GitHub/MARSS", document=FALSE, fresh=TRUE)
fils <- dir("vignettes/manual_files", full.names = TRUE)
fils <- fils[stringr::str_detect(fils, "Rnw")]
spelling::spell_check_files(fils, ignore = spelling::get_wordlist(pkg = "."), lang = "en_US")


Follow instructions in DEVELOPER_NOTES.md in inst to prepare the documentation pdfs - [ ] EMDerivation - [ ] Residuals - [ ] User Guide

Compress documentation pdfs - [ ] Manually compress the pdfs in the doc folder Dropbox/MARSS/inst/userguide and Dropbox/MARSS/inst/derivations

Build final tar.gz

Run version tests - [ ] Run this vignettes/versiontest.R

cd ~/Dropbox
rm -r ~/Dropbox/MARSS.Rcheck
R CMD check --timings --as-cran MARSS_3.11.9.tar.gz

Run internal tests on the new tar.gz - [ ] Run tests/model.R to set up models for tests - [ ] Then run devtools::test() but I find running the tests one by one in RStudio is easier to make sense of. Some tests will through errors, but all test should pass. Errors are correct if the test passes and result should be try-error. - [ ] test.coef - [ ] test-forecast - [ ] test-GDF - [ ] test-KFAS - [ ] test-MARSSkfss - [ ] test-plotting - [ ] test-print - [ ] test-residualsHarvey - [ ] test-structTS - [ ] test-tt

Check the documentation pdfs and html files in Dropbox/MARSS/inst/doc - [ ] EMDerivation - [ ] Residuals - [ ] User Guide - [ ] Quick Start - [ ] Learning_MARSS

If needed compress documentation pdfs some more - [ ] Manually compress the pdfs in the doc folder Dropbox/MARSS/inst/doc - [ ] Rebuild package with smaller docs, and then re-Run checks on the built package to see that it passes size checks

R CMD build --no-build-vignettes MARSS
rm -r ~/Dropbox/MARSS.Rcheck
R CMD check --timings --as-cran MARSS_3.11.9.tar.gz

Finally update the doc folder for GitHub. This has to be done manually by copying from - [ ] Dropbox/MARSS/inst/doc into GitHub/MARSS/inst/doc

Prepare for release: [ ] Check current CRAN check results [ ] Polish NEWS * [ ] urlchecker::url_check()

Update the doc folder on GitHub. This has to be done manually - [ ] Copy Dropbox/MARSS/inst/doc into GitHub/MARSS/inst/doc

Re-read the submission guidelines to see if anything changed: https://cran.r-project.org/submit.html

Check that package builds on Windows - [ ] Upload the Dropbox/MARSS_X.X.X.tar.gz file to https://win-builder.r-project.org

Upload package to CRAN - [ ] https://cran.r-project.org/submit.html

The items below are for cases where you are submitting the package files without any extra processing. I process my vignette PDFs separately, so the below won't work.

Instead use The link to check the tar.gz file on Windows. rhub::check_for_cran("../rhub::check_for_cran("../MARSS_3.11.9.tar.gz") on the processed tar.gz file

Submit to CRAN:

You could do this, but I upload the tag.gz to CRAN usethis::use_version('patch') devtools::submit_cran() * Approve email

Wait for CRAN...

eeholmes/MARSS documentation built on May 3, 2024, 10:03 p.m.