# to make the 300dpi for submission
# delete the eval=FALSE
# knit to html
# look in Figure_files/figure_html for the eps files
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE,
                      dev="postscript", dpi=300)

To create an eps file, make sure to knit to html. The eps created when using knit to pdf is very grainy. The file will be in the figures folder. EPS doesn't seem to respect transparency, fyi.

# the getdata() function
source(file.path(here::here(), "inst", "extdata", "get_satellite_data", "Replicate_EMT", "get_EMT_functions.R"))
load(file.path(here::here(), "inst", "extdata", "get_satellite_data", "Replicate_EMT", "indiashp.RData"))

Get the data

# Get monthly sst data ERA5
#getdata("hawaii_soest_66d3_10d8_0f3c", lat=c(7,15), lon=c(70,78), 
#       altitude=1000, eserver="http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu/erddap", alt.name="LEV")
# dfil <- file.path(here::here(), "inst", "extdata", "get_satellite_data", "Replicate_EMT", "hawaii_soest_66d3_10d8_0f3c-7-15-70-78-1979-01-01-2020-06-01.csv")
sstmon <- getdata("hawaii_soest_d124_2bb9_c935", date=c("1979-01-01", "2020-06-01"), 
        lat=c(7,15), lon=c(70,78), pars="sst",
sstmon$time <- as.Date(sstmon$time)
sstmon$Month <- as.numeric(format(sstmon$time, "%m"))
sstmon$Year <- as.numeric(format(sstmon$time, "%Y"))
sstmon$sst <- sstmon$sst - 273.15
# Get monthly sst data ERA5
#getdata("hawaii_soest_66d3_10d8_0f3c", lat=c(7,15), lon=c(70,78), 
#       altitude=1000, eserver="http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu/erddap", alt.name="LEV")
# dfil <- file.path(here::here(), "inst", "extdata", "get_satellite_data", "Replicate_EMT", "hawaii_soest_66d3_10d8_0f3c-7-15-70-78-1979-01-01-2020-06-01.csv")
windmon <- getdata("hawaii_soest_66d3_10d8_0f3c", date=c("1979-01-01", "2020-06-01"), 
        lat=c(7,15), lon=c(70,78), 
        altitude=1000, eserver="http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu/erddap", alt.name="LEV")
windmon$time <- as.Date(windmon$time)
windmon$Month <- as.numeric(format(windmon$time, "%m"))
windmon$Year <- as.numeric(format(windmon$time, "%Y"))
windmon <- getEMT(windmon, coast_angle=158)
windmon$EMTperpx <- cos(pi*(180-158)/180)*windmon$EMTperp
windmon$EMTperpy <- sin(pi*(180-158)/180)*windmon$EMTperp
# Get monthly ocean currents data
currentsmon <- getdata("erdTAgeomday", lat=c(7,15), lon=c(70,78), altitude=0)
currentsmon$time <- as.Date(currentsmon$time)
currentsmon$Month <- as.numeric(format(currentsmon$time, "%m"))
currentsmon$Year <- as.numeric(format(currentsmon$time, "%Y"))
currentsmon.mean <- currentsmon %>% 
  group_by(Month, latitude, longitude) %>% 
  summarize(u = mean(u_current, na.rm=TRUE),
            v = mean(v_current, na.rm=TRUE))
currentsmon.mean$Season = currentsmon.mean$Month
currentsmon.mean$Season[currentsmon.mean$Month %in% 6:9] <- "Summer Jun-Sep"
currentsmon.mean$Season[currentsmon.mean$Month %in% 1:4] <- "Winter Jan-Apr"
currentsmon.mean$Season[currentsmon.mean$Month %in% 10:12] <- "Fall Oct-Dec"
currentsmon.season <- currentsmon.mean %>% 
  group_by(Season, latitude, longitude) %>% 
  summarize(u = mean(u, na.rm=TRUE),
            v = mean(v, na.rm=TRUE))

Make the mean dataframes

windmon.mean <- windmon %>% 
  group_by(Month, latitude, longitude) %>% 
  summarize(v = mean(v, na.rm=TRUE),
            u = mean(u, na.rm=TRUE),
            EMT = mean(EMTperp, na.rm=TRUE),
            We = mean(We, na.rm=TRUE),
            EMTx = mean(EMTperpx, na.rm=TRUE),
            EMTy = mean(EMTperpy, na.rm=TRUE))
windmon.mean$Season = windmon.mean$Month
windmon.mean$Season[windmon.mean$Month %in% 6:9] <- "Summer Jun-Sep"
windmon.mean$Season[windmon.mean$Month %in% 1:4] <- "Winter Jan-Apr"
windmon.season <- windmon.mean %>% 
  group_by(Season, latitude, longitude) %>% 
  summarize(v = mean(v, na.rm=TRUE),
            u = mean(u, na.rm=TRUE),
            EMT = mean(EMT, na.rm=TRUE),
            We = mean(We, na.rm=TRUE),
            EMTx = mean(EMTx, na.rm=TRUE),
            EMTy = mean(EMTy, na.rm=TRUE))

windmon$Season = windmon$Month
windmon$Season[windmon$Month %in% 6:9] <- "Summer Jun-Sep"
windmon$Season[windmon$Month %in% 1:4] <- "Winter Jan-Apr"
windmon.season.2014 <- windmon %>% subset(Year==2014) %>%
  group_by(Season, latitude, longitude) %>% 
  summarize(v = mean(v, na.rm=TRUE),
            u = mean(u, na.rm=TRUE),
            We = mean(We, na.rm=TRUE),
            EMT = mean(EMTperp, na.rm=TRUE))

sstmon.mean <- sstmon %>% 
  group_by(Month, latitude, longitude) %>% 
  summarize(sst = mean(sst, na.rm=TRUE))
sstmon.mean$Season = sstmon.mean$Month
sstmon.mean$Season[sstmon.mean$Month %in% 6:9] <- "Summer Jun-Sep"
sstmon.mean$Season[sstmon.mean$Month %in% 1:4] <- "Winter Jan-Apr"
sstmon.season <- sstmon.mean %>% 
  group_by(Season, latitude, longitude) %>% 
  summarize(sst = mean(sst, na.rm=TRUE))

Monthly EMT

for(i in 1:12){
rdf <- subset(windmon.mean, Month==i)
rdf$x <- rdf$longitude
rdf$y <- rdf$latitude
rdf <- rdf[, c("x", "y", "We")]
if(i==1){ rst <- rasterFromXYZ(rdf); names(rst) <- month.name[i] }else{
  tmp <- rasterFromXYZ(rdf); names(tmp) <- month.name[i]
  rst <- stack(rst, tmp)
proj4string(rst) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","red", "green", "blue"))
spplot(rst, col.regions=rev(pal(length(at))), at=at, zlim=c(-3000,0), scales=list(draw = TRUE),
       main="Average Monthly EMT perp to coast (+ in, - out)") + layer(sp.polygons(indiashp2, fill="white"))

Seasonal EMT

for(i in c("Summer Jun-Sep", "Winter Jan-Apr")){
  rdf <- subset(windmon.season.2014, Season==i)
rdf$x <- rdf$longitude
rdf$y <- rdf$latitude
rdf <- rdf[, c("x", "y", "EMT")]
if(i=="Summer Jun-Sep"){ rst <- rasterFromXYZ(rdf); names(rst) <- i }else{
  tmp <- rasterFromXYZ(rdf); names(tmp) <- i
  rst <- stack(rst, tmp)
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","red", "green", "blue", "black"))
spplot(rst, col.regions=rev(pal(length(at))), at=at, zlim=c(-3000,0), axes=TRUE,
       main="Average Monthly EMT perp to coast (+ in, - out)") + layer(sp.polygons(indiashp2))

Wind with EMT overlaid

plist2 <- list()
windmon.season$EMT[windmon.season$EMT< -4000] <- -4000
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "green", "blue", "black", "red"))
for(i in c("Summer Jun-Sep", "Winter Jan-Apr")){
  field <- subset(windmon.season, Season==i)[, c("longitude", "latitude", "u", "v")]
  field <- rasterFromXYZ(field)
  projection(field) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
  rdf <- subset(windmon.season, Season==i)
  rdf$x <- rdf$longitude
  rdf$y <- rdf$latitude
  rdf <- rdf[, c("x", "y", "EMT")]
  rst <- rasterFromXYZ(rdf)
  projection(rst) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
  rst <- mask(rst, indiashp2, inverse=TRUE)
  field <- mask(field, indiashp2, inverse=TRUE)
  field <- mask(field, kerala, inverse=TRUE)
  p1 <- vectorplot(field, isField='dXY', region = rst, margin = FALSE, narrows = 75, 
                   length=0.04, main=i, key.arrow = list(size=10, label = 'm/s'), lwd.arrows=1.5,
                   col.regions=rev(pal(length(at))), at=at, 
                   zlim=c(-3000,50), zlimcol="black", colorkey=FALSE, xlab="") +
    layer(sp.polygons(indiashp2, col="#585858")) + layer(sp.polygons(kerala, fill="grey", col="#585858"), under=TRUE)
  p1$main=list(i, x=0.6, just="center")
  plist2[[i]] <- p1
  key <- spplot(rst, scales = list(draw = TRUE), 
                colorkey = list(space = "bottom"), at=at, zlim=c(-3000,50), col.regions=rev(pal(length(at))))
  key <- draw.colorkey(key$legend[[1]]$args$key)
plist2[[3]] <- key
key.label <- grid::textGrob(expression(kg~m^-1~s^-1), x = unit(0.02, "npc"), y = unit(0.6, "npc"), just = "left")
plist2[[4]] <- key.label
lay <- rbind(c(1,1,2,2),
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs=plist2[1:4], layout_matrix = lay, widths = c(1,1,1,1), 

Wind with SST overlaid

bat <- getNOAA.bathy(lon1 = 70, lon2 = 78,
lat1 = 7, lat2 = 15, resolution = 4)
save(kerala, indiashp, indiashp2, bat, file=file.path(here::here(), "inst", "extdata", "get_satellite_data", "Replicate_EMT", "indiashp.RData"))
plist2 <- list()
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"))
bat.200m <- rasterToContour(as.raster(bat), levels= -200)
for(i in c("Summer Jun-Sep", "Winter Jan-Apr")){
  field <- subset(windmon.season, Season==i)[, c("longitude", "latitude", "u", "v")]
  field <- rasterFromXYZ(field)
  projection(field) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
  rdf <- subset(sstmon.season, Season==i)
  rdf$x <- rdf$longitude
  rdf$y <- rdf$latitude
  rdf <- rdf[, c("x", "y", "sst")]
  rst <- rasterFromXYZ(rdf)
  projection(rst) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
  rst <- mask(rst, indiashp2, inverse=TRUE)
  field <- mask(field, indiashp2, inverse=TRUE)
  field <- mask(field, kerala, inverse=TRUE)
  p1 <- vectorplot(field, isField='dXY', region = rst, margin = FALSE, narrows = 75, 
                   length=0.04, main=i, key.arrow = list(size=10, label = 'm/s'), lwd.arrows=1.5,
                   col.regions=rev(pal(length(at))), at=at, 
                   zlim=zlims, zlimcol="black", colorkey=FALSE, xlab="") +
    layer(sp.polygons(indiashp2, col="#585858")) + layer(sp.polygons(kerala, fill="grey", col="#585858")) +
    layer(sp.lines(bat.200m, col="grey", alpha=0.9, lty="solid", lwd=2))
  p1$main=list(i, x=0.6, just="center")
  plist2[[i]] <- p1
  key <- spplot(rst, scales = list(draw = TRUE), 
                colorkey = list(space = "bottom"), at=at, zlim=zlims, col.regions=rev(pal(length(at))))
  key <- draw.colorkey(key$legend[[1]]$args$key)
plist2[[3]] <- key
key.label <- textGrob("Temperature (°C)", x = unit(0.02, "npc"), y = unit(0.6, "npc"), just = "left")
plist2[[4]] <- key.label
lay <- rbind(c(1,1,2,2),
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs=plist2[1:4], layout_matrix = lay, widths = c(1,1,1,1), 
plist2 <- list()
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"))
for(i in c("Summer Jun-Sep", "Winter Jan-Apr")){
  field <- subset(windmon.season, Season==i)[, c("longitude", "latitude", "u", "v")]
  field <- rasterFromXYZ(field)
  projection(field) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
  rdf <- subset(sstmon.season, Season==i)
  rdf$x <- rdf$longitude
  rdf$y <- rdf$latitude
  rdf <- rdf[, c("x", "y", "sst")]
  rst <- rasterFromXYZ(rdf)
  projection(rst) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
  rst <- mask(rst, indiashp2, inverse=TRUE)
  field <- mask(field, indiashp2, inverse=TRUE)
  field <- mask(field, kerala, inverse=TRUE)
  p1 <- vectorplot(field, isField='dXY', region = rst, margin = FALSE, narrows = 75, 
                   length=0.04, main=i, key.arrow = list(size=10, label = 'm/s'), lwd.arrows=1.5,
                   col.regions=rev(pal(length(at))), at=at, 
                   zlim=zlims, zlimcol="black", colorkey=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") +
    layer(sp.polygons(indiashp2, col="#585858")) + layer(sp.polygons(kerala, fill="grey", col="#585858")) +
    layer(sp.lines(bat.200m, col="blue", lty="solid", lwd=2))
  p1$main=list(paste("Winds and SST", i), x=0.6, just="center")
  plist2[[i]] <- p1
  key <- spplot(rst, scales = list(draw = TRUE), 
                colorkey = list(space = "right", height=0.7), at=at, zlim=zlims, col.regions=rev(pal(length(at))))
  key <- draw.colorkey(key$legend[[1]]$args$key)
plist2[[3]] <- key
key.label <- textGrob("Temperature (°C)", x = unit(0.02, "npc"), y = unit(0.6, "npc"), just = "left")
plist2[[4]] <- key.label
lay <- rbind(c(1,2,3))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs=plist2[1:3], layout_matrix = lay, widths = c(10,10,1.5), 
plist3 <- list()
windmon.season$EMT[windmon.season$EMT< -4000] <- -4000
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "green", "blue", "black", "red"))
for(i in c("Summer Jun-Sep", "Winter Jan-Apr")){
  field <- subset(currentsmon.season, Season==i)[, c("longitude", "latitude", "u", "v")]
  field <- rasterFromXYZ(field)
  projection(field) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
  field <- mask(field, indiashp2, inverse=TRUE)
  field <- mask(field, kerala, inverse=TRUE)

  p1 <- vectorplot(field*60, isField='dXY', margin = FALSE, narrows = 500, region=FALSE,
                   length=0.04, main=paste("Currents", i), key.arrow = list(size=10, label = 'm/min'), lwd.arrows=1.5, xlab="", ylab="") +
    layer(sp.polygons(indiashp2, col="#585858")) + layer(sp.polygons(kerala, fill="grey", col="#585858"), under=TRUE) +
    layer(sp.lines(bat.200m, col="blue", lty="solid", lwd=2))
  p1$main=list(paste("Currents", i), x=0.6, just="center")
  plist3[[i]] <- p1
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs=plist3[c(1,2)], ncol=2)
lay <- rbind(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,NA))
test=gridExtra::arrangeGrob(grobs=c(plist2[1:3], plist3[1:2]), layout_matrix = lay, widths = c(10,10,1.5), 
             heights=c(10,10), padding=unit(-2,"line"))
grid.text("SST (°C)", x=unit(0.955, "npc"), y=unit(0.56, "npc"), rot=0)

eeholmes/SardineForecast documentation built on July 17, 2021, 2:56 a.m.