plot3d: 3D plot

View source: R/plot3d.R

plot3dR Documentation

3D plot


Plot a three-dimensional plot for each plate


plot3d(plotMatrix, plateRows, plateCols, plotRows = NULL, plotCols = NULL,
  plotName = NULL)



Data frame or numeric matrix. Columns are plates, and rows are plate wells.

plateRows, plateCols

Number of rows/columns in plate.

plotRows, plotCols

Optional integer vector. Indicate which row/column numbers from the plotMatrix should be plotted. If NULL then all rows/columns from the plotMatrix are used.


Optional. Name of plotMatrix for plot title.


3d plots can be used to assess the existence of spatial bias on a plate by plate basis. Spatial bias can be visually subtle, however, and sometimes difficult to detect with 3d plots. Auto-correlation plots (plotAutoco) can circumvent this problem.


List of lattice objects

See Also

Other graphical devices: plotAutoco, plotBox, plotHeatmap, plotHist, plotIGFit, plotScatter


## load dataset

## plot raw data
plot3d(plotMatrix = ex_dataMatrix, plotCols = 5:10,
plotName = 'Example', plateRows = 8, plateCols = 10)
## normalize data matrix using any method and store in new variable
ex_normMatrix <- normZ(dataMatrix = ex_dataMatrix, dataCols = 5:10)
## plot normalized data
plot3d(plotMatrix = ex_normMatrix, plotName = 'Example',
plateRows = 8, plateCols = 10)

eg-r/sights documentation built on Jan. 28, 2023, 12:17 a.m.