Man pages for ehfhcrc/UpdateAnno
Update Annotation to Latest Symbols using org.Hs.eq.db

addAnnoToVirtualSdyFunction to migrate a copy of FA / FAS from /Studies/ to a...
chaussabel_modulesModules from Chaussabel (2008)
copyMatricesToVirtualSdyFunction to migrate a copy of EMs from /Studies/ to a virtual...
emory_blood_transcript_modulesBlood transcriptome modules
makeAnnoDfFunction to map probe ids to gene symbols from an annotation...
msigdb_immunologic_signaturesImmunologic signatures packageVersion
orig_btm_listOriginal HIPC BTM list
orig_chaussabelModules from Chaussabel (2008)
orig_emoryBlood transcriptome modules
orig_msigdbImmunologic signatures
outputUpdatedBTMFunction to output a gmt file of the latest updated btm data...
updateAnnoFunction to update annotation of a character vector of gene...
updated_btm_dfUpdated HIPC BTM data frame
updated_btm_listUpdated HIPC BTM list
ehfhcrc/UpdateAnno documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:16 a.m.