
The concept is to turn objects from stock assessment packages (sam, flr’s, muppet, …) to tibbles for further downstream tidyverse processing. A case in point:

stockassessment::fitfromweb("BW-2021") %>% 
## $rby
## # A tibble: 205 × 5
##     year     est     low     high variable
##    <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>   
##  1     1 786026. 563271. 1096875. catch   
##  2     2 544001. 413221.  716170. catch   
##  3     3 511286. 394907.  661961. catch   
##  4     4 560913. 432749.  727035. catch   
##  5     5 637584. 500137.  812804. catch   
##  6     6 759594. 596217.  967739. catch   
##  7     7 638131. 501148.  812557. catch   
##  8     8 569422. 447815.  724051. catch   
##  9     9 619197. 490191.  782154. catch   
## 10    10 553363. 435299.  703448. catch   
## # ℹ 195 more rows
## $rbya
## # A tibble: 4,920 × 4
##     year   age variable      val
##    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>
##  1  1981     1 oC        258000.
##  2  1981     2 oC        348000 
##  3  1981     3 oC        681000 
##  4  1981     4 oC        334000.
##  5  1981     5 oC        548000.
##  6  1981     6 oC        559000.
##  7  1981     7 oC        466000 
##  8  1981     8 oC        634000 
##  9  1981     9 oC        578000 
## 10  1981    10 oC       1460000.
## # ℹ 4,910 more rows
## $opr
## # A tibble: 554 × 5
##     year   age fleet     o     p
##    <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  1981     1 catch  12.5  12.5
##  2  1981     2 catch  12.8  12.8
##  3  1981     3 catch  13.4  13.5
##  4  1981     4 catch  12.7  12.8
##  5  1981     5 catch  13.2  13.2
##  6  1981     6 catch  13.2  13.2
##  7  1981     7 catch  13.1  13.0
##  8  1981     8 catch  13.4  13.3
##  9  1981     9 catch  13.3  13.0
## 10  1981    10 catch  14.2  13.9
## # ℹ 544 more rows
## $par
## # A tibble: 51 × 11
##    fleet   age     m    cv       est       low      high what   in_name out_name
##    <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   
##  1 IBWSS     1 -9.66 0.204 0.0000641 0.0000426 0.0000964 catch… keyLog… logFpar 
##  2 IBWSS     2 -9.08 0.118 0.000114  0.0000901 0.000145  catch… keyLog… logFpar 
##  3 IBWSS     3 -7.91 0.123 0.000367  0.000287  0.000469  catch… keyLog… logFpar 
##  4 IBWSS     4 -7.31 0.111 0.000672  0.000538  0.000839  catch… keyLog… logFpar 
##  5 IBWSS     5 -7.02 0.105 0.000890  0.000721  0.00110   catch… keyLog… logFpar 
##  6 IBWSS     6 -7.02 0.105 0.000890  0.000721  0.00110   catch… keyLog… logFpar 
##  7 IBWSS     7 -7.02 0.105 0.000890  0.000721  0.00110   catch… keyLog… logFpar 
##  8 IBWSS     8 -7.02 0.105 0.000890  0.000721  0.00110   catch… keyLog… logFpar 
##  9 catch     1 -1.01 0.135 0.363     0.277     0.476     rwalkF keyVarF logSdLo…
## 10 catch     2 -1.01 0.135 0.363     0.277     0.476     rwalkF keyVarF logSdLo…
## # ℹ 41 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: fleetage <chr>

einarhjorleifsson/fishvice documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 8:43 p.m.